Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Painting the Basement

Hyrum wants to get kid's town going again. And he wants there to be real streets that Owen can drive around on his little plasma car (as he does at 1:00 and 1:15 in this video here). I've yet to do a post about Owen and his little car... I'll put it on my mental list. Owen is super cute on it. So, we painted the basement floor this weekend. The kids were super excited to have my permission to paint!
They did a good job. No need for a mom to worry about kids getting paint on the floor when it's the floor that's being painted.
The only tricky thing was to make sure no little curious feet came over and stepped in the wet paint. So we built a barricade and we made it through un-kid-scathed. I finished it today while the big kids were at school. I was impressed with how much I was able to get done with little ones in the same room, go me. So, it definitely looks better than it did. Not as good as it would be if we just finished the basement, but it'll do. It should be fun to have a big open space, trusting that we are able to keep the clutter clear. I've got a pile of stuff to donate on the table there, I hope to clear out more things as we clean up down here. It definitely looks better than it did with the spilled pink paint and little pink feet that went everywhere on the floor - from some previous homeowner's toddler playing with paint in the basement. Now my kids will say "Do you remember how the basement used to look... with that pink pain everywhere..." Time is passing by, and we're taking small steps forward. yay

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