Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Each day feels like a whirlwind right now. More like I'm watching a whirlwind, as I sit here with my hands tied and watch it all swirl around me. I love being with the little kids during the day. Today when Daniel was ready for his nap, I just wanted to rock him and rest with him, but the little girls needed me so off I went away from my sleeping baby. I try to fold clothes, wash dishes, sweep, etc. but never fully complete any given task. The interruptions and kid emergencies come up constantly. So I feel like I'm busy all day but not productive all day and definitely not making a huge dent in the many tasks that need to get done. Then as the afternoon wears on, the kids come home, it continues as it has during the day and nothing gets done when they are home either. There's always something going on - piano, orchestra, today when Hyrum and Ethan came home they told me that the YM group was doing baptisms for the dead at 5:15. It was the first I'd heard about it, I wonder when they knew? Shouldn't I know how to plan out our family's weekly schedule by now?!? Ugh. I have got to figure this out. So Eth and Hyrum had some snacks and wound-down from their busy day at school for two hours (which unfortunately usually doesn't include them helping me with any chores around here...) then they leave, Corey left with them. He didn't have time to spend three hours, but he never has time. So he just went, trusting for a Higher Power to help him get all the work done that he needs to.

Then Corey came home and helped Wes with his running for student body office poster that is due tomorrow. Then a neighbor called and Corey helped him with a scout merit badge thing. My poor husband. Top all that off with all the stress about MovieM0uth right now... Last night we were both awake til midnight, which is pretty common. Tomorrow he's getting up early to take Wes to pick up the poster and be at the school with it by 7:30 (that's really early for Corey!) Wes should be wiped out too - I woke him up at 5 this morning to finish some science homework. Yeah, life's just a whirlwind throwing us and a million other things all up in the air all around us. So, here is a picture of a beautiful rose that I took yesterday -
I must take time to smell the roses! ...if I can find them and grab them in this tornado!

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