Monday, September 18, 2017

Silly D

We've been playing in the basement a lot this weekend. It's so exciting to have a new space to explore! Last Friday Daniel was making us laugh as he crawled around down there. He's practicing standing and walking. He was wearing some glasses that Sophi got at the fun run that day.
He is such a cute funny little guy! I loved that he kept the glasses on and wasn't taking them off (until the end of the video). He looked especially goofy wearing the glasses with the sucker in his mouth. We got a kick out of it.

One other thing I thought I'd record for posterity's sake. Last Monday night, Sept 11th, Corey gave the kids their back to school father's blessings. He gave me a lessing too. I was really listening for anything that gave hope to the idea of there might be more children in the future for us. Cause I'd be thrilled about that, and I was hoping to know the Lord's will if He wanted to give any hints. But I know Corey is overwhelmed with what we've already got on our plates, so I didn't want to force it, so I'm just waiting and listening... Well, during the blessing I didn't catch any statements that made me feel there is anything immediate on the horizon, but that doesn't mean there aren't (fingers crossed and will continue to pray!)... but then tonight, Corey shared during family scriptures that last week, when he was giving me a blessing, he had felt prompted to say something but decided not to say it! And I was like "Yeah! I knew it! We're gonna have more kids!" That's what I was thinking, I was jumping up and down inside saying "I knew it I knew it!!" as I sat there quietly and excited thinking of another baby. Then Corey shared something that left me quite humbled. He said that during my blessing, had felt impressed to say that if there were more women like me, with my faith and conviction, that the second coming would have already come. I wasn't expecting that, but thought it was a beautiful thing. I will continue to try my best to live with faith and conviction, and I'll continue to pray for the second coming, (...and for more kids!!) :) of course depending on if that is God's will for us.

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