Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pile of Un-Matched Sock Problem - SOLVED!

We had a great day cleaning today. Saturday two weeks ago was a great day cleaning too. I enjoy days when the kids are home and we work here together. It's good when life is organized a little more. Today I made new laundry bins for the clean clothes for each room. Hyrum and I also cut two shelves for tall cupboard in laundry room. I think previous owners used that closet to store the vacuum. I haven't really used it for anything but now with the shelves I'm able to store pillows and blankets, yay! That means that now all "cloth" things are up in laundry room, from winter wear to swimsuits and all the kids clothes storage. Maybe someday I'll get around to all my sewing projects that are waiting in one of the cupboards. I need to sew: Abi's big pink pillow cover. Duvets for Joseph and Ethan, lots of pants for Wes that he wants me to hem. And I also have a big box of dresses with weird tops that I want to turn into skirts. I wish I had a system and could get to these projects. A system for cleaning enough during the week and also getting the kids to keep on top of their rooms and areas so that we can have free time. I also need a system so that everyone knows what to do on Saturday mornings - I want to have a list of tasks to complete before they do ANY homework or music or leave to play with friends. Right now it's a bit frustrating cause half of them act like they don't know what to do and they are waiting for me to give instructions. But then they'll go off and hide so they can pretend they never heard me say what they had to do...

Around mid-July I did come up with one little system that has eased part of the laundry chore at this house. This life hack simply involves designating two dresser drawers for all the girl socks. It's easy to sort between boy and girl socks, but after that it gets hard to sort between the different girl sizes, which I used to try to do or to make the girls do. But I'm not doing that any more. If I can easily find a few matches, I'll put them in the matched sock drawer - right side. If I have a bunch of unmatched socks or just don't want to match them up myself, I put them in the unmatched sock drawer and I'll let the girls do it later - left side.
Piece of cake, right?!?! Unmatched sock problem, solved! Now instead of a laundry basket of unmatched socks that looks and me and nags me and saps my energy, I have a drawer full of unmatched socks, that I'm able to put away and close the drawer on and say good bye to. Sigh, very nice. I'm happy that they now have a place to call home, even if they are just single residents. No lost socks calling out for help. They have a place to stay, atleast until they are reincarnated as tupperware lids, lol.

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