Friday, September 8, 2017

Special Date Night

Tonight was Sophi's birthday date night.  She was wearing her fancy red velvety dress and I put her hair up into a french twist and then off we went. As happens on most date nights, Corey and I got in the car without a plan as to where to go. "What you in the mood for? Where you wanna go?" We decided Olive Garden seemed like a safe bet - we'd find stuff we like and so would Sophi. It took a looong time to get there for 6 year old "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" When we arrived, they said it was a 30 minute wait. That was too long for her. We let her choose and she said we should go somewhere else. So, across the parking lot to the Village Inn. Sophi had never been in such a fancy place!
She said it looked like a ball - like when Cinderella goes to the ball. Not sure what she was seeing. She saw the pies when we walked in and was excited for pie. "Pie!" We ordered here some fries from the kid menu and then a pie for dessert.
Unfortunately for me, there are not a lot of healthy options there at Village Inn, and there are definitely not any vegan options. I made due with a salad with no cheese or chicken (still paid full price for that - aka rip off) It wasn't the best date night meal I can remember, but it was still fun to see Sophi in such awe at what a fancy thing date nights are for her parents. Yup, Corey and I live it up like this every Friday at the fancy Village Inn! I didn't mind not having a good meal, cause I gave into temptation and ate ice cream today. ...and some Almond Joys and Kit Kats from the leftover treats from Sophi's party. I need to reset again. (Darn birthdays!) It's been a messy kitchen day, I'm still recovering from the party yesterday and just wanted to snuggle with Daniel all day. My bff Nicole shared a profound truth today - Your state of life follows the state of kitchen (or your state of life is reflected in the state of the kitchen... something like that) I believe it! As is the story of my life, I gotta learn how to get a handle on things around here. Where to start? Or where to turn for help, I know not.

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