Thursday, September 7, 2017

Birthday Party Time

So, this morning, while Sophi was at kindergarten, I ran some birthday errands with 3 kids in tow. I usually try to avoid doing that. But I didn't have a choice. I needed balloons, some party favors, and ice cream for Sophi's party. Our birthday party policy: each kid gets two friend parties. And Sophi hasn't had one yet, so that means I have to do this. It started at 4, right after the kids got home, which meant I didn't have any baby sitters during the day as I tried to get ready. So I ran out while I only had 3 kids instead of waiting for Sophi to come home and have to run out with 4 kids. I carried Owen and Daniel on each hip as I walked into the store. I pulled two carts around the store so I wouldn't have to carry both of them in the store. I was feeling frazzled. After buying the goods, we headed to the car. Daniel was really excited with the balloons. It was cute, until he took the main star shaped balloon that said "Happy Birthday" and bit the corner of it and popped it. Then he was freaking out cause I wouldn't let him have the other balloons, and I was cursing public school for taking away all my older children.

Abi was excited for Sophi to have a party and she was very eager to help. She helped me plan what to do. She wanted a pinata, but we've done that before and I didn't want to do that again. I motioned taht we should go for a little carnival type party. Abi was okay with that. She made a list: bean bag toss, a ball toss, a fishing game, face painting, and the tail on the donkey game ("place the crown on the princess")
Abi made that one last night and I spent the day making the rest of the games and setting up little things. I got some bags and the first thing that kids did when they arrived was decorate a bag to hold their carnival prizes.
Hyrum didn't help plan it but he did help host. He and Abi saved me. Lily and Natalie played along. Lily "fishing" in the basement window well -
I was downstairs in the basement and clipped stickers to the end of the fishing line. Good enough!
Playing Duck Duck Goose after all the carnival games were done. Then Sophi opened her gifts.

I totally copped out with the cake and I just got ding-dongs. Is that cheating?
I just didn't have it in me to do another cake this week.
They didn't seem to mind. Ding Dongs, white powdered donuts and ice cream cones. The the kids ran around crazy and played while Mel and Wes did face painting. Elena of Avalor for Sophi's cheek:

Phew, then the two hours were up and the party was over. Some of them stayed and played for a few more hours, which I didn't mind, as long as I'd finished my duty. I think I'm going to need a good 24 hours of recovery. I think it was okay for these little 6 year olds. As for me, I do not enjoy hosting birthday parties. I wish I wasn't so cheap and was able to just let myself go spend whatever on a party at Classic Skating or Airborne. I'm sure it would be easier and less stressful. Oh well, maybe next party I'll remember how these make me suffer and I'll outsource it. Happy Birthday Soph! Sorry your mom is a birthday scrooge!

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