Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Standing Up

My baby... He turns one year old one day and the next day he's standing!!... Nooo.... the end is near... 
Daniel, I was really hoping you would not grow up on me like all your siblings have done. I need a baby! Can't you stay as a baby for me?
I love seeing you learn and grow, but is there someway for you to just stay little?
So, he's standing up now without holding on to anything.

Our time is short, it will be all over soon, and the memories of this little man crawling around at our feet will be just a fainting memory. In other news, we have a witch in our house. Lily the little witch. We know she's a witch, cause "well, she has got a wart..."
She has six of them actually... two on her feet and 4 on her hands. 
She had one frozen off at her check up this year but it didn't work. We've tried getting these off before but without much luck, cause the bandages will fall off and she'll lose them or whatever. But we're gonna get them this time. I'm taking attacking these and we're supergluing the bandages over. With superglue we might be able to do this. Good luck. They don't bother her and she's never complained about them, but they're on my radar screen again and when she said she's got six, well, it's time to get these under control or annihilated. We love ya, Lil, "warts and all..." but lets try to get rid of these.

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