Thursday, September 21, 2017

Praying for MM

This morning I drove Corey down to the Provo airport. He found a good price on a one way flight to San Francisco. He's flying back in to the SL airport on Saturday. That's the kind of shell game we are playing with $ and skymiles and stuff like that. Things are tight for the business and for us. So Corey is on his way to San Francisco to meet with an investor from Brazil that I am praying saves him/us and his company.
We need to be saved cause the way we and the business are coping week by week is not sustainable. Something's gotta give, something's gotta come through (I hope!) or we're gonna die. So, we're asking everyone we know to pray (and some of the kids and I are fasting) for us and MM and a Brazilian investor named Renato (can I give out his name, sweetheart?) We'll see what happens. So I'm on my own for two nights, easy peasy, which means I can slack off on dinner (not that I put up an impressive meal as it is...) and kinda take it easy for two nights. I'll make two choices for dinner - a little something that will keep healthy eaters like Hyrum and myself happy and another dish to keep the little kids happy. As for my picky eaters, it's Yoyo for dinner - You're On Your Own!

As I was checking on kids after school, I came across this sweetness - Sophi and Natalie were playing a game this afternoon (I think) cause I came in their room at 4:30 pm and they were both asleep... melted my heart
Sophi's got one of her unicorns there (you can see it's yellow hooves) and awww, Natalie is holding her baby!!
I'm loving this moment and remembering my when my little girls really were "little" girls in 2015 - such a long time ago! Two years fly by for teenagers, but two years, that's half of Natalie's life! No wonder she's grown and changed so much. I'm glad they still play with their stuffed animals. Love

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