Saturday, October 7, 2017

Cold Morning Hike

The beautiful fall mountains are fading before our eyes. I had a feeling that today might be one of the last chances I have to get out. I told the kids last night that I was going on a hike. My two early risers said that they wanted to come with me. So after we dropped Melodie off at the bus stop for GMS, we went up the canyon to the White Pine trailhead.
It was a lot colder than these two skinny kids expected. And they felt it in their light clothing. I had told them to get jackets, but they thought they were good with long sleeves. They were freezing. I've got a few pounds of fat to keep me warm, so I took off my jacket for Wesley to wear. And I carried Abi on my back for a bit to keep our bodies warm together and so she could tuck in her hands. Wesley and I took turns wearing my coat. They were so cold though, I felt bad. But I wanted to keep going! Let's just go faster!! If you exercise harder and keep moving it will keep you warm! Abi was so cold that she could hardly move, she was like a cold monarch butterfly. When we made it to where the White Pine and Red Pine trails split, I decided to have mercy on my poor freezing children and said we could turn around. Let me take a picture of you guys by the little river first-
Do we really have to turn around? "Whatever you want to do, Mom..." - Abi says between chattering teeth.
Oh fine, yes we can head back. I love you two but I kinda wish I hadn't invited you! You slowed me down (thus I can't really count this as a workout) and now we're quitting early?!?! What's up with that? Don't you know that this could be our last chance this year? I wanted to get a picture of the canyon! Why do you think I was lugging my camera bag along. Grrr, oh well, next year I guess. Let's go.
So we headed back to the car. The trail is wide for most of the first part, so we linked arms and sang "follow the yellow brick road".
Actually only I sang it, they don't know that movie! Isn't that sad. We'll have to review that classic sometime (kids, it's called "The Wizard of Oz"). The car felt very warm to them. We drove down the canyon and I stopped the car to try and get a picture that would capture the colors.
Hmm. Doesn't do it justice. It never does. Sigh. If only there were a way to freeze time or truly capture experiences. I turned and looked down over the side of the road to the trees below me in the shade -
Hmm, maybe I can still get my fall fix today... Tonight I can go out again and jog along the canyon trail down there in those pretty fall colors! Yeah, I'll go out again tonight. If I can get away from you guys and all your little friends.

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