Monday, October 9, 2017

Little Gentleman

On Saturday I bought some new church clothes for Owen and Daniel. They looked so cute for church yesterday! I loved it. Both Owen and Daniel had new dress pants, button up shirts, ties and a vest, thank you Kid2Kid where I do most all my clothes shopping for our family. We put shoes on Daniel for the first time and he didn't like it. They threw off his ability to practice walking. But the little tie and vest, totes adorbs. We were in a rush getting out the door, so I didn't get a picture before church. I thought I'd try after, but Owen went down for a nap right after we got home. When he goes to sleep he likes to be comfortable, so we took off his outfit before putting him in his crib. I thought I'd try to still get one of Daniel looking dapper, but he was not having it... 
"You can dress me up like a gentleman, but I will not behave like one!!! You can't make me!!"
He was in a full on fit kicking and screaming. It was pretty funny.
We took him downstairs to try again, cause he's practicing walking and that makes him happy... we got a bit of a smile...
Doh, he knows we're up to something. Daniel, can't you just pose for the camera for a second?
Come on little guy, one little smile?
He gave a glaring scorn: no pictures! I will not cooperate!
Put me down for a nap, woman!
I still tried a few more times...
Come on Daniel, you looked so sweet and cute today! Can't you give me one little smile for posterity's sake?
Do you promise to rock me and kiss me and put me down for a nap if I do? Ok, fine...
And there is it... that works, thank you Daniel! What a cutie, baby fits and all. Little pocket square! You can't see his tie, but here's a light blue tie on there underneath that baby chin. He's a cute little guy. We'll have to get one of Owen next week. Hopefully it will go better than Daniel's photo shoot here!

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