Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

The kids had a fun day today. Although that's pretty easy when it's Halloween, right? The morning started with me using my exercise time to do hair and makeup on my girls. I was grateful for the quality time with them, and can I just say how incredibly long all of their eye lashes are! You're welcome, my daughters. I just want you to know that your father's eyes were one of the first things I noticed. I know you're grateful I chose a man with such lovely lashes, that was key in all of you getting those pretty eyes. I put mascara on all of them and just wow, if my lashes looked like that! Mine with mascarea barely look like theirs without. Ok, let's take a picture!
Sophi is Elena of Avalor, she got this costume from Corey for her birthday. She's just been waiting for this day!
Lily is a ballerina -
And Abi's getting older, so she didn't want to do the princess route this year. She's a pirate. AND she wore my boots! They were a little big on her, but still, how did this 4th grader get so big?! She shares clothes with Mel! She's already a young woman.
So after getting them out the door, I hurried and got the little kids ready so we could run out the door to see the parade. Natalie was still asleep. Luckily Corey was able to stay home, so I left her and took Owen and Daniel. Unlike past years, today I made it over with plenty of time to spare, go me. I saw each of the kids, they saw me, so I got credit for attending and my duty was done. Then we headed out.

I grabbed Abi on her way out the door so she could hold Daniel while I adjusted Owen, and took another picture...
One more picture when we saw Sophi in the hall watching the parade. Owen was excited "Sophi!!"
Sophi insisted on wearing her dress up plastic shoes. I told her that I thought her feet would get too cold and could even hurt from wearing those plastic shoes, but she had to be true to the costume and told me when she got home that her feet did not hurt. Ok, I'm glad.
After Sophi got home, I took her to an eye doctor appointment. They did vision screenings at the school and she got 20/50 in one eye and 20/80 in the other. They said I needed to take her in for an eye exam and bring back a signed note. So I made an appt. I was hoping it was just a fluke from her not understanding what was going on. Her eyes weren't that bad, but the opthamologist said it would be good for her to patch her eye again, 2 hours a day. So we're doing that again until her follow up appointment in 4 months. They dilated her eyes so the appointment took 2 hours. I was glad it's not a busy office. I was pretty tired after though. So were the kids! But the day's not over yet! Get dressed again, we're heading over for dinner at the neighbor's house. Wes was a "cool kid".
Owen and Wes eating pizza. Sophi and Natalie posing on the stairs for me.
I took Abi to get a costume yesterday at Kid2Kid and while we were there we saw this little snowman outfit... I couldn't resist buying it. We were excited to dress Daniel up and he didn't disappoint!!
He was the cutest little Olaf there! One funny part was when our old ward bishop came in a big black gorilla costume. Owen grabbed Corey's pant leg and panicked. Not our little D though - Daniel looked fear in the face and held his ground.
The gorilla jumping around trying to get some sort of a reaction...
It was so funny!! 
Daniel didn't wet his pants, but he did spill his little cup of water.
Then the gorilla decided to wait for some pizza. Unfortunately for our meek little 2 year old, the gorilla was in line behind Owen.
Owen, you sure you've got a good enough hold of dad's leg?
Dad! Dad!! That gorilla's looking at me again!!!
He didn't yell or freak out, so he's getting braver. It's okay to stay close to dad, you were very brave Owen. All the little kids lined up for a picture. All the big kids still eating pizza.
It was pretty cold so we decided to keep the little ones home. Daniel would have been fun to walk around with, but he can't walk in shoes and so his feet would freeze in his socks. Owen was no good - he wanted Corey to hold him. You can't trick or treat if you won't walk buddy. So they stayed home.
Abi ran off with friends, Lily went with her friend Isa, I took Sophi and Natalie around. Wes joined us for a bit and then they went to watch a movie. So it was just the three of us going around the neighborhood and it was really cute. Not a lot of people home, so the kids mostly took treats from bowls.
We're going to try to get these kiddos to bed now, so I'll post a little more tomorrow, I got two cute videos of the kids after we got home from trick or treating. They are fun, love these kids

1 comment:

  1. You can see my eyes behind the fence on the picture with all the kids lining up
