Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Sweet Trick or Treaters

This Halloween has been easier on us this year than we've experienced in past years - junk food wise. I didn't buy a lot to give out, so thankfully we don't have a lot left over there, yay. Also the older 5 kids didn't go, yay! So that's another reason there is less junk around here to throw me off the wagon. I did really good yesterday and didn't have one treat until we stopped at a neighbor's house so Sophi could use the bathroom, and then I was offered and accepted an Almond Joy. It was downhill after that - I had another Almond Joy, then a Kit Kat that I had originally intended to save for Ethan. Then I continued to just have "one more" treat of my candy hierarchy. Chocolate, cookies and cakes are my vegan weaknesses. I do fine if they're not around. Unfortunately during Halloween, they are all around. Luckily Abi's an aspiring healthy eater and gave most of hers away last night. Lily has a good stash, and Sophi and Natalie didn't get very many treats last night, being the sweet and un-greedy toddlers that they are. Plus they shared them with Owen and Daniel last night, which was so cute, so most of them got eaten last night, yay.
I'm glad I got this on film, cause it was precious. Natalie dumped out her bag of treats and Daniel saw it and came over. I was expecting her to gather the treats in her arms and shield them from her encroaching sibling, but instead she saw "Aww! Daniel!" and welcomed him in. Then Owen came over too, she again sweetly said "Some of these babies want to eat treats too!" Then taking a treat from Owen she said "I will help you!" and she opened his tootsie roll "Ok Owen, here! There you go!"

Then she opened another one. She is so sweet, hope this fairy butterfly gets sweeter every year. With this video documenting her sweetness now, I think we will be able to show her and keep her being a good girl like she was in 2017. In this next video she was cute too, showing me with tickled surprise that Owen just gave her some chocolate! I guess not realizing that it was hers to begin with? Pretty adorable. Another funny thing in this second clip - Corey decided to head over to a neighbors house to check on Abi and Lily. He put on his coat and announced his intentions to depart. He invited Sophi "Do you want to come with me?" Owen looked up, saw Dad putting on a coat. "DAD!!" he called out. Then he got up with a "I'll come..." We all laughed, since Corey's usually trying to get a break from this little man. Yes, Owen, we could have called that you would want to go with Dad, being as you're his little shadow. It was nice that he was calmly proactive instead of screaming in terror that Corey might leave him. Just a sweet "I'll come..." - that's a good improvement, thank you Owen! Corey laughed too, "I guess he speaks English!"

Oh, one more thing on the business front - so I took Sophi and Natalie around the neighborhood, Corey stayed home with Owen and Daniel, and the older kids stayed home to pass out goodies to the trick or treaters. As we were on our way back home, we met Corey pushing Owen in the stroller. Corey said me that he'd just heard back from Brazil. They were going to talk today at noon. I haven't gotten the full report yet, but we'll see if it means our free fall comes to an end as we hit the ground, or if we grow wings and fly, or maybe our flag will give us flight! We're keeping that flag flying.

Business Update - Corey sent me a text around 1:00 today with the following info:
Good news - the committee approved the deal. They also disbanded the committee to give more authority to move faster. One investor insists he meets with an IT guy to talk about IT needs of English schools. Not a big deal, and not related to M0vieMouth. R will see if Corey can talk to that guy later. Bad News - Last week the Brazilian Federal Government passed resolution 3922 that puts restrictions on asset managers who have money from pension funds. It has literally stopped the flow of money for this investor and other financing funds. R is meeting with the finance minister on Nov 9th in Brasilia to discuss. If not resolved, this VC's entire business is in jeopardy. R belives it will be resolved, but he needs some time to figure it out. Hopefully just a couple of weeks, but they don't really know, could be longer. (Ok, seeing as this "lets move on this fast" deal with it's "we'll get back to you in a few days" ended up taking 3 weeks, a projected timeline of a couple of weeks after Nov 9th means this thing is definitely going to be 3+ months before it's close to being resolved, Isn't that fun?! Ya gotta love government regulations, ugh.)

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't consider Abi an "aspiring healthy eater"
    She eats crap all the time!
