Thursday, October 19, 2017


Several months ago, Corey's brother told him about plans he was making to go down to Moab over UEA. That would be today. So since the day is here we have to figure out what we're going to do. (For the record, I did try to get people to plan this out on Sunday, but getting people to plan around here takes a lot of patience and persistence and I guess I wasn't persistent enough cause we didn't do it). But now it's time to go if we're going to go, so we've been trying to figure out how to swing it because: Corey has a lot of work to do, Joseph and Melodie are gone on a Lyceum recording retreat (so someone should be here when they get home tonight...), Ethan has a ton of homework before the end of the term next week and says his grades can't afford to let him go (and we don't feel he's ready to be left home alone). So, given what we know, either Corey or I need to stay. I had a lot I would have loved to do, but since Corey's got work, I volunteered to be the parent that goes. Bonus: I get to go on another hike with the kids! So, with Corey and Joseph both not attending (aka our two other drivers) that means we just have the van, which means it's me and up to 7 kids. The plan was for me to take all the kids except Lily, who still has a bad looking eye. Corey was concerned with me taking both Owen and Daniel, but I said if I'm taking Daniel, it will be hard, so I might as well take Owen. Last minute Ethan said that he and Corey could keep Daniel. That sounded great! No offense to my little one, but he didn't sleep well last time we camped out during the eclipse, so this gave me hope that it might be more enjoyable without Daniel. So, I accepted his offer, and that gave room for Lily to come. She hurried and grabbed her pillow and blanket, and we're about to head out. It's about a 4 hour drive down. I'll update when we get back with pictures. :)

Update -
Friday night and we're back. I'll talk about today in the next post. Here are some pictures of our Thursday night. It was quick traveling and we made good time, until I missed the junction to turn south to Moab. Luckily there was an exit I could take, since the next sign said "no services for next 65 miles". So 15 min delay there, and then there was a ton of traffic as we arrived in Moab. I thought I could turn left so I turned too early, realized it was on the wrong side of the river, had to go back to the traffic but couldn't turn left, so had to turn right and go back to the end of the traffic a bit, doh. We got to the Drinks Campground just in time to have a little daylight left as we put up the tent. Natalie was out of her comfort zone and wanted to go back home, but decided to just go to bed instead. First I had to take her to the "bathroom" which kinda freaked her out, but she had to go so bad that she was able to face her fears of a roof less and door less stinky hole in the ground. So she went to bed and missed dinner, maybe she was just tired. Corey's brother had everything set up and had soft tacos ready. Then we enjoyed sitting around the campfire.
They played a lot of "Kiss Marry Kill" which got old but that's okay, they were laughing and having fun. The older cousins are so cute with my little kids - Lily sitting on Jordyn's lap (hope Lily doesn't get her sick!) and Seth was kind and tender with Sophi.
Wes, put away your phone! There's no reception out here anyway, what are you even doing?
Abi and Alix are BFFs 
We all took turns holding Owen. He was pretty good at camping for a 2 year old. No complaints. 
He dropped his blanket in the dirt alot, but we're gonna have a ton of laundry when we're done anyway, so no biggie. My turn to hold him by the campfire, we love you little Owen!
 He's a cute little guy. 
So we sat around and enjoyed the fire.
We went to bed around 10, yay! That's a good time, and hopefully the early bedtime will help me get enough rest in case I don't have very good sleep as the night progresses... to be continued!

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