Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Getting It Done

So, I think I might have become unstoppable. Recently, as I've mentioned a few times, I joined a little online community of moms where I'm participating in a "Courage Challenge" by Holly Rigsby. (watch that little video on her fb page - "Excuses or results. You can't have both." - Holly. Yeah!) The challenge I'm doing is also called "Unstoppable You". Kind of a cheesy title, sure, but hey, maybe that was just the most appropriate word to describe the transformation that would be taking place! So I signed up for this challenge on a whim on Saturday night over two weeks ago. I really enjoyed the accountability during the spring and summer Health Challenges I participated in on facebook with friends. So, in a video, Holly said this would provide accountability, so that's what caught my attention. I usually just ignore things where you have to pay for access, but I like Holly (and she has a 6 pack!) so shoot, I figured I would give it a go. My thinking is that if this is able to help me be accountable and reach my ultimate weight goal, well then it would be worth it! So I signed up for the challenge and set myself up the next day with their online community. And we're half way through week 3 and this has already been a major game changer for my life. We have access to online lessons and videos and are set up on apps for her to coach us and I think it's pretty amazing! For example: My bedroom AND my bathroom (and for both of those that includes my clutter magnet dresser top and usually covered with clutter bathroom counter!!!) ...ALL of it has been cleared and clean the past week! We're talking 7 full days of being consistently clean. That is a miracle to me. Her program isn't about teaching people how to clean their house, it's just about how to do what is important to you. And right now getting our home and life in order has been a major goal of mine and has also felt like a totally impossible feat. My goodness, like I've seriously been trying to come up with a system for years! But I haven't know how to tackle it and how to follow up with it, but now I know and it is awesome!

I had quick planning sessions with each of the kids on Sunday, kind of a "week 1" for us. We're just focusing on getting out of bed, following a morning routine, and doing chores. Corey observed my questioning and coaching each of the kids. After I was all finished, he said "Well you're on fire!" Yes I am! I actually have a doable system in place. Yes, this is a miracle. "I'm invincible!!" - the black knight (name that movie). Next Sunday we're going to get an after school and evening routine set up for each of the kids. But it's just great, cause it feels doable and I'm doing it! Another thing that is important to me right now is to catch up on the blog here. And guess what, I just finished all my August entries! Pictures posted and memories recorded, check! I'm going to finish up September within a week and then October, and who knows, maybe I'll be able to stay on top of this thing every day now! Amazing.

Two quick thoughts from the community that I have written up on post-its for our fridge where our family calendar is now residing:
"If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice"
That one is right by the door handle, which is good, cause it reminds me not to be tempted by things that I might want in the moment but don't really want the fruit of. It's like either way we have to sacrifice something. So I can sacrifice ice cream for the body I want, OR I can sacrifice the boy I want for the ice cream. Which one do I really want? And the key is to NOT sacrifice what you want! Sacrifice and give up the temptations, don't sacrifice our goals! Kids, you can sacrifice sleep in the morning to get to school on time and avoid stress that will carry on throughout the day from being stressed - OR - you can sacrifice the good grade that comes with not having excessive tardies (and calmness that comes from not running late) for 5 or 10 minutes of more sleep that is not going to make you feel much more rested anyway! No one ever hits snooze two times only to wake up with the third alarm in a happy rise and shine mood, thinking "Ahhh! NOW I'm ready!" When you hit snooze, you are cheating yourself of a good morning and you are lying to yourself that sleeping longer will help you feel better. It doesn't work that way. Corey would disagree with me on this point, saying that sleeping-in in the mornings is one of the happiest moments of his day. Yeah, we're gonna work on that, sweetie! But you have a few more mornings, I'll get the kids going first. The other quote:
That helped Wesley last week when he had to go to school without his back pack again (quick summary of that mid-post here.) That also helped me as I looked back on the rough and stressful summer (and two years (more like 10)) that Corey has had with work. Cause look at that, he's still alive! So far he's made it through 100% of his rough and stressful days (which is also why he wouldn't let Wes stay home from school cause he was missing his backpack... "Do you know how many times I haven't wanted to go to a board meeting?!? You just gotta do it! You can't hide from your problems!" So Wes wiped his tears and faced the day. Good job Wes. Yes, we can face our problems. Like when the little girls take all my scripture study books and notes off of their newly consecrated desk and pile them on the couch..
So that they can play with their polly pocket dolls.
A neighbor dropped off some toys they weren't using anymore, including some new Disney pocket dolls and some animal figures and things Lily and Sophi were able to fit into their game, such as this dragon (gecko) lair that was at the ball in a cage. It's a nice lizard
Hans and Anna enjoying tea. I love the cross play - we've got Calico Critter toys here, strawberry shortcake food, and I like the collie dog.
Elsa and Flynn kickin' back and watching tv.
Cristoff and Cinderella dancing at the ball, while another Cinderella gives Sven a carrot.
I had to take a picture of their set up before I moved it all over to a shelf where they could play without messing up my area. Now it's back in order and while I love to see their imagination in action, I do not want them to use by study desk again. But I love them and their game and it wasn't hard to clean up. So one thing I've learned from Holly is to be aware of and then most importantly accept them, love yourself as you face the "problems" that come into your life and encourage yourself as if you were talking to a child or a dear friend.
If you read this far, here is a post from my spiritual blog with those thoughts on acceptance that I shared with the EJC last week where I try to describe my "aha" moment. I'm excited to take life by the horns! I finally am learning how to get it done!


  1. This is a very good blog! You are such a talented blogger. I'd like to meet you some day.

  2. I'd like to meet you sometime. Where in Salt Lake do you live? Are you seeing anyone?
