Saturday, October 28, 2017

Seminary Videos

Joseph is our go-to guy when it comes to video editing. He's a Camtasia Studio wizard! He stayed up late last weekend working on a video for seminary. In the spring, shortly after his SBO campaign ended unsuccessfully, he was extended an invitation to serve on his high school's LDS Seminary Council and he eagerly accepted the opportunity. He's enjoyed it a lot. He recently told me he's really happy with how things have turned out his senior year by not winning SBO, cause if he had won he wouldn't be in Madrigals (or the Madrigal President even! ...which he's hoping increases his chances for music sterling scholar) and he wouldn't be on Seminary Council. He's really glad he is in both of those groups cause he really enjoys the friends he's made there and the experiences thus far. And he's only just over two months into it. For Seminary Council, his position (according to this video below that he edited) is Media Corps Captain (see 1:35)...

Over the summer he also worked hard with the filming and editing of this video - the Vlog of Mormon! He played the roll of Moroni - here holding the golden plates.
Watch their cute video!

You've got some serious video skills, Joseph! Once when Joseph was editing a video (can't remember which one, might have been his math video?) Lily saw him doing it and asked "How come you always have to make the videos?!?" His reply "Cause I'm friggin' awesome at it!! ...Just kidding, I should be humble... Um, it's because I'm pretty good at it, and I enjoy it too!" Yes, you are good at it Joseph. I'm looking forward to you to making fun videos of our family reunions someday!! (see the 2nd and 3rd videos here) I'm excited!

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