Monday, October 16, 2017

Sick Kids and a Cavity

Lily has had a swollen eye for a few days. I took her to the InstaCare over the weekend. He said she has Preseptal cellulitis. That is my new vocabulary word. Just looked up some more info about it. I think that might be what Daniel had a few months ago. Also, as I googled, I read this that said the bacteria from it could lead to Impetigo. And I remembered that vocabulary word from last year when Owen had it. Hmm, I have thought I could see a few bumps on his cheeks this past month... Did Owen get her sick? With Daniel's eye infection in June, I just watched him Daniel to see his symptoms. And he didn't get worse and it eventually healed on it's own. My sick kid tendency is to watch them and how they're feeling as give the body a chance to fight it. Lily's eye was fine last Tuesday night but then looked swollen when she was up and getting ready for school on Wednesday morning. But she went to school that day, and the next... but then I kept her home on Friday cause it looked worse. Then on Saturday it looked better but she had a fever. So Sunday morning, when she woke up and it looked like it was starting to spread into the other eye, we decided to take her in.
Yesterday was the Primary Program at church, and I felt so bad for her up there, she looked so sweetly resigned to looking sick. She says it doesn't hurt, but it sure looks bad. These past few days it's made her usually outgoing personality turn a bit quiet, so we feel like we're missing our Lily!
Don't you worry Lil, we'll get some medicine to help you out. She also had a 101 fever. We picked up an antibiotic and some prescription eyedrops on the way home. So that was yesterday. It looks about the same this morning. The InstaCare doctor said to keep her home today and probably tomorrow too. So we'll see how it goes. She did NOT like the medicine. She didn't like the taste of the oral med at all, but I think she cried more in protest to the eye drops, cause it's just so scary! We found a dropper and I told her she could do me first and then I'd do her. And now I know that it really is a little freaky to have someone hovering over your head holding something precariously close to your eyeball. I couldn't stop laughing and had a very hard time relaxing but she was a good little doctor and held the dropper steady and plopped two drops in each of my eyes. Good job Lil. Then it was my turn to do her! She did a little better than the first time. So that was yesterday. She's been a little bit braver with the drops this morning. She stayed home and is getting rest. I took Sophi in to the dentist today to get another cavity fixed. Doh... Sophi! This has got to stop!
I try my best to floss her every night but I must have missed a day or two OR I need to start supervising morning flossing, cause he said it was caused by not flossing. So before I knew it one night I did floss her and a big chunk of food came out from between her teeth and I knew there was a hole. They were able to get us in really quickly. I just called on Friday and was able to get an appointment for today, so that was good! One problem now though... I didn't think it would be very fun to be at the dentist with the four little kids and sick Lily. Luckily, Hyrum came to the rescue! He texted me at a quarter to 10 telling me he threw up and some other TMI. Corey went by the school to pick him up but then couldn't wait when Hyrum took too long, so then I went out to grab him. I was happy to cause it was going to solve my dentist appointment problem. On our way home, Hyrum was having another emergency and luckily we were in a place where I was able to hurry and pull over and, phew, just in time, he threw up on the dirt on the side of the road. Sweet! Sorry you're sick, but good job buddy!
I asked if I could take a picture of his first puke, he said "NO!" But I didn't ask, and thus he didn't say I couldn't take a picture to his second puke... But he did shout over to me "Do NOT blog this..." So I guess I'm not following instructions, oh well. But Hyrum, I'm just doing this so you can remember "that one time..." when that one 24 bug caused you some could-have-been-super-embarrassing-at-school problems and you were so thankful to be at home dealing with your sickness. So think of this post as trigger for a gratitude journal. Today didn't go exactly as planned, but I did accomplish a lot of tasks and things that are important to me and I feel good! It's been a good day, full of productivity, even with the interruptions that have come up. I'm on week 3 of my "Courage Challenge" with Holly Rigsby, it's been a miracle worker so far, I'm excited to see what these next 5 weeks bring!

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