Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Traverse Ridge

I went to pick up Wesley today because Joseph and Melodie had to stay after at Lyceum for something. So, I took it as an opportunity to get in to the mountains again. We took the scenic route over the Traverse Ridge road on our way to to Utah County. Pretty colors!

I think I shall take up mountain biking someday so I can go explore all these trails.
We went by the Lehi Costco quickly for a few things, then picked up Wesley and drove back over the ridge again on our way back. We tried to make it to the Coyote Trail before it got dark. We barely made it
We just went on like a 10 min walk out, 10 minutes back. Better than nothing.
Natalie was a little timid and unsure of her footing cause the trail was slanted and she didn't want to fall over the hill.
I carried Daniel. We had left Owen home with Hyrum.
The older kids were running. 
So 20 minutes there and we called it good. It gets chilly quickly after the sun goes down. We decided to walk around the Draper Temple. We were all in our casual clothes, but we went inside the temple lobby. The kids were so reverent and cute. They'd never seen such a fancy place. And I was thinking "wait till you get to really go inside!"
The Jordan River Temple has been closes for over a year and a half and will be opening in the spring of 2018. Before it opens, there will be an open house. I told the kids I'll take them and they'll be able to see all of it inside.
They're excited. So am I
Here's a close up of the picture above - doens't Abi look so pretty?! Or maybe it's just cause her little sisters and blinking or being goofy, but when I zoomed in on it I was a bit taken aback by how pretty and mature she looks. Just 10 years old but already a lovely young lady.
Oh and guess what - Wesley left his backpack at the soundhouse again! He was in tears tonight cause he didn't want to go to school unprepared again. Then we talked about having the courage to do hard things. He survived last week when he went without his planner or workbooks, he'll survive tomorrow. And that gives us another reason to go on a fall drive again, yay!

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