Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lily's Routine

I've known our family and household needed to work on a routine/schedule for a while. I was listening for help and received some guidance for it during General Conference. Also, that Saturday of conference, I signed up last minute for a "Courage Challenge" that I saw on facebook by Holly, a fitness lady that I learned about after Abi was born years ago. Anyway, I've been working on a lot of stuff there and it's been great. I'll try to share some of it later if I can. So that is something that I personally have been working on and haven't told anyone I don't think, so I thought it was super cute to find recently that Lily's been working on a morning routine too! Last Wednesday, I saw her walking around and looking at this little paper. I asked to see it and then said I had to take a picture. Super cute Lil!
Complete with simple illustrations~
I like this second page - #2 or 3 there it says to "walk bunky bunky", who is her big stuffed dog (pic 1). I'm glad that stuffed animal has kept me free from pressure from Lily to buy a real pet dog
Then today I smiled again as I saw her refining her routine and doing it with a friend (always a helpful tip!) Yes, Bunky Bunky participated with her today. I don't know if she'll take the time to get him dressed every morning, but she was carrying him around the house and I was like "what is she doing?" and he was wearing one of Corey's shirts too...
Then I saw these papers stapled together and taped above her bed to help her this morning.
Bunky Bunky made the illustrations.

I really smiled when, as she was leaving for school, I noticed this "after school routine" taped on the front door. I especially liked the "P.S." there at the top - "Keep this for Lily to see" So I left it up on the door all day.
Good job Lily, I'm impressed. I hope that your siblings follow your example!

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