Monday, November 27, 2017


This morning was beautiful. I went on a walk, yay. I didn't exercise much last week cause of the holiday and cause we had a house guest who was staying in the basement where my exercise area is. (Nice way for me to pretend I had an excuse to take a break, ha) House guest and the holiday, but I really just didn't feel like doing anything. This morning, I told myself that I wasn't going to go exercise, cause I might not have been in the mood for that, so instead I told myself "I'm just putting on my coat. I'm just putting on my shoes. I'm just going to go outside" and that was able to give me baby steps until I was out the door. And I was there at just the right time to see this
I didn't get a pic but a neighbor shared that facebook. Doesn't do it justice, but it was really beautiful.Other than the brief miracle of the colors in a sunrise (and the sunsets have been lovely the past few days too!) I've had a hard time getting going today. I've been hitting snooze, which is against Holly's principles. I watched tv most of the day with the kiddos and tried to go back to bed. The only glimmer of hope I had was that when Abi got home from school, that maybe she would help me kick it in gear. And she did. Very grateful for that lovely young lady.

Kinda hard to have lots of energy on a cloudy drizzly dark day, so I've been trying to give myself "grace and space". But ugh! My mood can't handle this winter weather, and sadly it's not even winter yet! It's not even December. I gotta think of something to keep me going. Time to make a plan. Maybe we'll have to do a family party or two to make it through the cold and slow winter months. This is the last week of the Courage challenge and Holly has an upcoming video lesson about how to make it a December to Remember. I'm looking forward to that, and will try not to hibernate my way through these dark and cold months.

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