Saturday, November 25, 2017

Peaceable Kingdom

The kids got their work done today, so Corey took them out for fun. I'm not sure where they went, but it's always a good time if they're with Dad. Joseph & Melodie and Owen & Daniel stayed home with me. Joseph because he's working on his college applications, Melodie so she could finish practicing her flute. Well, Mel was practicing until I distracted her with this film that I stumbled upon. I had been googling for an image for my new activist campaign: "Save the Cows". I was trying to find something to go along with my post from Tuesday. Anyway, it eventually led me to the website Tribe of Heart. Then I watched the film "Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home." I don't know how to embed that one on here, so just go to their site to watch it there. I was about 20 minutes into it when Mel joined me when she brought up Daniel. Here's one clip from it that I loved, of a mother hen and her baby chick.

I especially love that part because it reminded me of a part in the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 10. After the destruction at the Savior's crucifixion, the voice of Christ speaks to the people. Four times, He compares himself and his relationship with us to that of a hen with her chickens. "How oft have I gathered you.... How oft would I have gathered you... How oft will I gather you..." He is a loving and nurturing God.
That was probably a comparison the people he was speaking to could understand because they all had chickens and had seen this obvious hen and chick relationship so often. I'd like to learn from animals and understand them like the people on these farm sanctuaries do. Anyway, great film. I hope to watch it with Corey and the rest of the kids tomorrow. There are some sad and ugly parts, but we've got to see that and know it happens if we want to change it - as stated at the beginning of this making of the film video. Watch that too, good stuff.

"The joy of discovering a new way of being in the world..."

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