Friday, November 3, 2017

Leaf Swim

I just so happened to check the weather last night while planning (thinking of exercising), and I saw that the forecast calls for rain. That gave me a new task for my list today, cause we have a lot of leaves outside. We have three cottonwood trees west of our lot that give us lovely shade and green all summer, and lost of leaves in the fall. Today I went out to tackle them. It started to sprinkle as soon as I went out - hey! There wasn't rain on the forecast for today! It did make me work more quickly. I could tell Daniel was having a new experience, as he had a confused look on his face trying to figure out where this invisible misty feeling was coming from. Thankfully it didn't last long and nothing got too wet, including the kids.
Daniel was so cute crawling around in the leaves, he seemed to love the noise.
(It was so cute!)
He looked like he was swimming in it, doing laps back and forth across the grass. 
Melted my heart. 
Love you, you cute little boy!

Owen was close by with his binky and blanket. He seemed to enjoy being outside too.
Natalie helped me rake by doing her best to take leaves from the piles I was attempting and move them back up the hill. It was cute.
I spent about an hour and got the lawn cleaned off well enough where the big problem is. I've let the leaves do damage to the lawn in years past. Despite my efforts, we usually still have a collection of wet leaves left on the lawn from fall through the winter and into the spring. This year I'm glad I'm on top of it (cause I'm becoming unstoppable!) and so hopefully with a little help from my crew tomorrow we'll be able to get it done before it rains.

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