Monday, November 6, 2017

My Little Boys

Last week was like every other week, in that I was a busy mom. My busy mom life includes waking up at 5:30 every morning to get the kids out the door for school. I am so happy that daylight saving time has ended! It's nice to have it be a little more light in the morning. The extra hour we had also allowed for a bit of a more relaxed Sunday morning yesterday. These two little boys were ready for their nap after church.
I fell asleep on the floor with them, it's nice to just crash sometimes - drop where you are and sleep!
Owen is pretty attached to that Sunday shirt. I got him and Daniel new Sunday slacks and vest and button up shirt a month ago. Daniel pooped all over his at church so I was in the bathroom changing his clothes when I heard Owen was freaking out in the hallway. He was having a power struggle with Corey over at the drinking fountain. Owen wanted Corey to hold him, but Corey wanted Owen to stand on the stool to get it. Corey also offered a glass of water, but Owen didn't want it. I held him to get a drink, but he still wanted Corey to do it or something and so basically Corey just stood in the hall during all of sacrament meeting with Owen screaming at full lung capacity. I ran home to get new pants for Daniel so I didn't catch any of testimony meeting, which is a bummer cause testimony meeting is always good. But some Sunday's are like this. After that big battle at church, I didn't have the heart to take off Owen's beloved Sunday shirt.  Last week he was freaking out when we tried to take it off of him. He wore it the whole day last Sunday and on Monday morning I took it off before he got his breakfast cereal all over it, and he was ticked. Then I hid it and it remained hidden until yesterday morning. He was excited to put it on. But I didn't even try to take it off after church, Owen had already endured a hard struggle so we just layed on the floor and I rubbed his tummy. Daniel joined us during his nap-halftime.
I took off O's shirt this morning without too much of a fight. It had dinner food on it from last night and then after dripping his strawberry banana smoothie all over it during breakfast, even Owen was able to tell that it needed to come off and be washed. Yay, I'll wash it and hide it away until next Sunday. I hope he doesn't have a hard time when he outgrows it and it's passed down to Daniel!

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