Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Colorful Art

Guess what I did today?! I am bragging on myself cause I'm very proud of this ~ today I actually framed not one but two of the kids' pictures and put them on the wall!! I'm not sure if this is where the pictures will find permanent residence, but I'm still very proud of myself for trying and taking a step in the right direction.
The top picture is one that Lily did two years ago when she was in first grade. The second picture is one Hyrum did last year in his art class. Way to go me, we've been here at this house for 5+ years and now the big main wall that is the center of focus when people walk in the house is not completely bare! Hooray for small victories. I'd really just like to hire someone who knows what they're doing to come decorate this whole place. Someday...
Now there are two little pictures! Wa-hoo
And they kinda match the other painting!
...and the colors of the ornaments on the wood thing on the stairs...
I was able to fix the ornaments after they broke in April, detailed in that link above. Most of these things represent the Young Women values and/or go along with quotes that I like - like the gold train (2nd column, second row) represents Good Works and is also a symbol of a quote I heard once that "A loaded train won't jump the tracks" - if our life is pulling a heavy load of good things (like this big family) then we won't find ourselves getting off track from what is important in life. One more colorful painting... the hand art that we made two years ago...
Hmm, I think I'm seeing a theme here... It appears I like bright rainbow colored things. Perhaps I'm trying to channel a little bit of Zion into our home? (See Rainbow and also I love the Joseph Smith Translation for Genesis 9:21-25!) Yeah, I like rainbows and bright colorful things. "Be faithful to your own taste because nothing you really like is ever out of style." - Billy Baldwin

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