Tuesday, November 14, 2017


It's picture retakes at the elementary school today. So I thought I'd post the school photos that are going to be replaced. I'm not having them get retakes cause I don't like these. I'm having them get retakes cause I didn't order anything and couldn't find their photo ID numbers. So I just ordered pictures online last week and they gave me a new ID number that I had to give them to bring for retakes. Of course after I ordered the packages (just the class group photo) then I found these proofs with the original numbers. Figures.
But I told Abi that if she doesn't need retakes to get her class photo, then to just give them our receipt. But I think Abi wanted to try again with her picture. I remember often getting retakes of school pictures. 
I told Lily to show her teeth with her smile today. We practiced a few times. I liked Sophi's but she didn't like the hair in front of her face. She's going for the same kindergarten smile, cutie - "He said to do a big smile!!"
Poor Sophi - when she got home from kindergarten today I wasn't here. I was waiting for her at the bus stop - I just missed her. I was visiting teaching at a house right by the bus stop and didn't hear the bus go by and I missed her. It's dropping off earlier than it did in September when I timed it on my clock. So she was walking home when I was walking out the door. Luckily a neighbor, Barbara, was walking up the street - "Are you looking for your daughter?" Yes. Barbara had been out pushing a grandbaby in a stroller and saw Sophi. They were walking the same way so Babara walked down the street with her. So I ran home, got Sophi, then walked back to Michelle's house. She looked a little red eyed, like she did when she got lost in the tree farm. Sorry Soph! I won't mess up like that again, I feel so bad when I'm not here and they don't know where I am or what's going on.

So, we walked back to my friends house. Once a month in our church, we are assigned to visit and check in on some sisters. My companion Amy and I visit Kay and Michelle. Amy shared part of a message from Sister Eubank from the past general conference. One thing that Sister Eubank shared that I loved is this quote from President Kimball:

“Much of the major growth that is coming to the Church in the last days will come because many of the good women of the world … will be drawn to the Church in large numbers. This will happen to the degree that the women of the Church reflect righteousness and articulateness in their lives and to the degree that the women of the Church are seen as distinct and different—in happy ways—from the women of the world."

That quote stood out to me as I was pondering some decisions and opportunities. That quote is one of the reasons I keep this blog public. That idea goes along nicely with this quote from the Chosen that I wrote down years ago: “If a person has a contribution to make, he must make it in public. If learning is not made public, it is a waste.” ― Chaim Potok. I don't know who stumbles across my thoughts and little joys and trivial trials here, but for those that do, I hope to reflect the righteousness of someone who is trying to follow the Savior. Jesus Christ and his gospel and teachings bring light and happiness into my life. I hope to be an instrument in God's hands to shine a little bit of the light of Christ into the lives of others as I share little bits of our life and what I'm learning in my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Those look like mugshots
    -your favorite son
