Monday, November 13, 2017

Chores for Me, Chores for Kids

So... Daniel had a mid-night explosion every night/morning for the past 5 days. But today, thankfully, I woke up to an alarm instead of to that poor kid crying cause he was dripping messy and his skin was on fire again. Yay, I hope it's over. Seriously though, yesterday I had a major recovery nap. First day of the sickness was on~ Wednesday morning: 6 am explosion. I was driving carpool, so I came home to only find half of the mess left to clean up (the laundry half). Abi and Corey had taken care of the kid half. Thursday morning: poopy blowout at 3:30 a.m. and again at 6. Friday morning: 3 a.m. repeat. I changed his diaper like 6 times that morning! Saturday morning: 3 a.m. not bad, didn't need to do laundry or change Daniel's clothes, just his diaper. But then the blowout came at 4:30. He cried and he cried while I cleaned it up the mess and he wanted to be held, Corey slept through it, Joseph came to my rescue. Owen tried to sleep for about 20 minutes and then he was up. So I was up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I took Mel to the bus for GMS at 7, and that is when they went back to bed. Then I went back to bed too. Woke up at 9, woke the family up and we tried to have a productive day. And did a good job. Sunday: D's bed prepped with towels, small mess, didn't write the time on that one, just changed his clothes. and so I didn't have to do all the blankets or his pillow. Then we all took a good recovery nap yesterday afternoon. His rash was doing better too and I had my fingers crossed that he wouldn't be poopy again in the morning. This morning ~ thankfully it was over. I even made it out on a morning walk. Hooray, the storm has passed.

The kids are doing so good at doing chores and it's making a huge positive difference in how the house runs. I typed up a little weekly planner for the kids and we go over it on Sunday and they earn money and with that credit they can buy clothes or gum or ice cream. Here's a link to my 2nd draft. I modified them again this week by typing up an individual one for each child with their personal routines typed up and their name typed on. Abi, Wes, and Hyrum have kept on top of their checklist and chores so well, I'm so impressed you guys! Abi keeps the kid bathroom looking great everyday. Hyrum and Wes's room has been spotless the past month, Joseph and Eth have improved but still have clothes left on the floor most days. The girls room would be messy (cause of Lil, Soph, and Natalie) but Abi cleans it up everyday. (Mel is too busy). So Hyrum and Wes and Abi are the kid role models. They got their monthly reward this past weekend for all their hard work in October. Hyrum and Wes didn't want to spend any $ so they just got Wii time. And I took Abi out to Red Mango for a treat, taken from her earnings - $6.
 She's such a good girl. 
Ethan hasn't earned enough money to cover his debts, but I'm a softy, so I took him to the thrift store today to buy some pants. "I don't have any pants!" he said. He did have some, but none are the style he likes - not tight enough on the ankles. K, so since these pants were going in his "debt" column on the kid cash spreadsheet, I said he only had $20 tops, and that's also $20 that is only good at a thrift store. I only do thrift store for these kids and for me. Maybe someday we'll step things up and go to Old Navy or something nice and fancy like that. Or they can all go get a job and then shop for whatever they want wherever they want by themselves. But if it's on my dime and my time, I ain't taking you to a place that is nicer than where I buy clothes. So it's the DI, Kid to Kid, or Costco. Ethan was okay with that. Unfortunatley Kid 2 Kid didn't have anything he like. He doesn't want denim jeans, isn't that weird? Seems like everyone should have a pair of jeans... So he tried on black pants and texted me a few pictures of himself. I just grabbed pants that looks skinny and had tight ankles. They were all too tight.
Well I guess that it is good that you're not a size 2... cause you're taller than me now and you have size 10 shoes... I should hope that you don't fit into a size 0/2 pants... I'm glad you're growing. and I went to search some more. We found him some Gap courderoy pants and some other pair of jogger-ish looking pants. And I got a sweet black adidas jacket for $7 bucks! I was stoked. I like having the time to search for thirft store finds.

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