Tuesday, November 21, 2017


It's the last day of school this week, hooray. Two days! I wish it were like this more often! Tonight we officially decided that we will be eating here. Corey was toying with the idea of going up to Bear Lake like we did in 2014. He had made a reservation, but today I called my mom to see what their plans were, and they weren't going anywhere, so I invited them over here. So now we're going to have a thanksgiving meal here at home like we did in 2015. Should be fun, and less work than a drive up to Bear Lake would be. (Not that I always want to be a logistics party pooper!)

Last night the little girls were being so cute. Lily, Sophi, and Natalie were having a sleepover in Natalie's toddler bed. Yeah. Needless to say, they woke up from being uncomfortable. This morning, Natalie and Lily had moved to the floor. But they were playing super nice. It's always nice when that happens.
Hyrum stayed home sick today. He got up around 10. I had forgotten he was here. Had I remembered, I would have left him with the little kids and gone to Abi's County fair by myself. Instead, I just didn't show up, bad parent! But it's because I thought I had to get little kids ready, and I didn't have them ready in time! I'm sorry Abi. It went from 9:15 - 9:45. So when Hyrum wandered out of his room at 10, I was like "shoot!" My apologies again to my Abi for not making it out. She forgave me. After I apologized, I was able to quickly change subjects asking her how her grade Thanksgiving feast went. She said she enjoyed it. Although they didn't let her take her left over pumpkin cookies, instead they saved the left over food for the office workers to come and eat.

So, in prep for the nationwide "Turkey Day" on Thursday - Hyrum and I did a little animal rights research. I got an email from change.org today, referencing this article by the Washington Post. Hyrum watched the video with me, and we also watched this one of the Burnham farm. That one is really sad. We're convinced again that it is good to be vegan. Hyrum helped me find some vegan holiday recipes. This Forks over knives thanksgiving 2017 plan was also in my inbox today. But I needed a sweet potato recipe, and found this one! I'm excited. I ran to Costco for our Thanksgiving meal ingredients, and with the supplies fresh and on hand, I decided we'd do a little tastebuds teaser tonight - we made some of the Fire Brigade vegan stuffing for dinner, along with some milk and butter less mashed potatoes. It was great! I think I should make stuffing more often, it shouldn't be a dish just for November. Stuffing every month for a whole year, that's my new dinner goal.

What else. Business update - Renato's meeting with minister of finance that was on the 9th then moved to today has, (can you guess?) been moved to 28th. Figures. Business is still hanging on for dear life.

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