Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Day 2017

We had a fun time getting ready for Thanksgiving this morning. My parents came over, and we also had two guest from Brazil. Here is a little video when most of our prep was completed and we were waiting for our dinner guests to arrive

When we were ready to begin, Corey shared a few words and then we all went around the room and shared something that each of us is grateful for.

Then we said a prayer of thanks and began our feast, enjoying good food and good company.
Eventhough not everyone around here is vegan, I'll still call today our first Vegan Thanksgiving! Save the turkeys! Save the cows! Save the pigs! Be kind to animals, don't eat them. That begin said, we did have a small turkey and some dishes with milk/eggs/butter ingredients for to those who have yet to see the light. See, Ethan feels guilty...
Hyrum is our hardcore vegan. He is a purist. He doesn't like me to show this, but have you seen his before and after? Just a little shout out I did to him last month. He's been working hard. During the meal, we also talked about how this will very likely be Joseph's last Thanksgiving before his mission! Next year at this time, he might be homesick. We will be thinking of you!
No shortage of food for anyone, plenty of delicious food to eat, we live in a land of abundance.

Ethan provided the music entertainment. After eating and cleaning up, Corey had everyone help him with some ice rink stuff, and I visited with my parents. Then around 6pm Corey and a van full of kids went up to Park City to visit with Corey's family. Ethan, Hyrum, and Abi all slept over there tonight. As for here, after the little people returned they started playing the Wii and they are still going strong. But it's midnight, so I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Gee... Thanks for posting that.

  2. And that's tofu chicken that I'm eating. Not real chicken
