Sunday, December 17, 2017

A Sunday in December

Today at church it was a Christmas Musical program. The primary kids sang, Melodie did a flute number of Silent Night. I was able to peek into the chapel for that, but missed most the rest of the program, cause Daniel's been getting a bit noisy at church these days. Luckily I've got teenagers that are usually more than happy to take them out of the chapel where their noise isn't as disruptive. I took Daniel out today, Natalie and Owen followed. There is a little glass corridor between the outside of the building and the side lobby, and my 3 and other toddlers that were out with their parents all went into the glass room and felt like they had their own space. They were free to make noise and be loud, and parents were happy cause we could still see them and watch them. Another dad there made a funny comment, as the kids screamed and tripped and toddled around - "It's like the drunk tank!" We thought that was funny. Kids are kinda like little drunk people. Ethan came out to help and thought he was super clever when he put his phone, with the Duplo train game running on it, up against the glass.
Daniel sat down with his bottle, ready to play... and wasn't quite able to figure out why the touch screen wasn't working. Funny
Cute little guy in the drunk tank. Abi and Mel also had a piano recital today. Corey and I went alone and were able to enjoy the lovely Christmas songs.
Mel played Carol of the bells, and Abi played ______ (help me remember Abi!) Today is my Dad's birthday. I only have two cousins on his side, and one of them, Anna, was in town from California and it was nice to be able to go over there and visit with her and two of her friends. Corey had left to deliver a Sub for Santa gift with half of the kids. We did that with Corey's siblings and parents. I'll try to upload the pictures Corey took later, it was a great experience for all of them. It was great that Corey went cause the single mom we subbed for only spoke Spanish. While they were gone, I went over to my parent's house and I took Owen with me. He was cute and shy as usual, but happily ate the brownies and cookies my parents had. I tried to keep him quiet with my phone, and he got off the train game somehow and found a video of Daniel that he thought was just a riot. Beka took a Marco Polo video of Owen laughing at the video of Daniel, it was pretty cute.
I'll update later with pictures Corey took at the sub for Santa.

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