Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Last Jedi

It's Star Wars day for us. Corey had tickets for a "Last Jedi" showing that Veracity was hosting. (That's who Corey does consulting for). He got 6 tickets and with that was able to take all the kids that wanted to go. Mel was at GMS so she didn't go, and Joseph was busy too, but he saw it on a date last night so he was okay with that. They all enjoyed the movie very much, and bonus is that Corey took them, which means they all went out to lunch after, $40 bucks. I feel like such a Scrooge sometimes. I stayed home with little kids. I did a deep cleaning of the tile grout on the main floor today, I am so pleased with myself. I'm not finished with all the floor, but the parts of the floor that I finished look sooo good. I cleaned the floor for like 5 hours. But very happy with my work. I wouldn't have been able to do it as easily if they were all here.

After they got home I was very clear that they were not allowed to ruin it for me. I had two tickets for tonight that my brother got me - through Homie, which I guess is how they sold their home before they moved to Texas this summer. So I got two complementary tickets through that and was planning to take Mel. I invited her when I picked her up from the bus stop, but then she decided to go and be all responsible on me and said she had a lot of homework that she needed to do. Boo, fine. So I took Natalie instead. I told her to get ready, and she did. This is what she wore - (Will update with pic in a few...)

My tickets were down at Thanksgiving Point, and there was also a storm rolling in, so I was anxious to give ourselves plenty of time to get there. In my effort to hurry things along, I told her not to worry about a coat - she had long sleeves and we'd be okay if we hurried out of the car. When we got there, the parking lot was so crowded that I didn't find a spot - we had to park in a business complex south of the theaters, then I got to carry Natalie on my back, cause in my hurry I also didn't stop her from wearing heels, which are not good for toddlers to run in. So, it is usually windy there at the point of the mountain, but it was crazy windy with the storm and the snow. It looked like a blizzard. But as we thought of the pioneers and how they braved their storms, we were able to make it to our seats with time to spare. It was a great show. And nothing I heard the kids say spoiled it, it was a great movie and it was fun to watch it with Natalie. She stayed awake the whole time, sat on my lap, and ate happily accepted offerings of our fellow movie goers' popcorn and licorice. She's a cutie.

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