Saturday, December 9, 2017

GMS Woodwinds Recital

We didn't go out on a date last night because there was a neighborhood Christmas party at the church. I'll post that later, I need to get a few pictures off of Corey's phone. But since we missed last night we went out tonight. And it worked out nicely because Corey and I were able to go see Mel perform in a recital and it was very nice. Here is her performance ~

And here is a group picture of all the students that performed.
Afterwards we took Melodie out for her birthday dinner date. Her birthday is on Tuesday, seventeen years old. Crazy. We went out at Chuck a Rama. We decided it's not the best place for conversation on a date, since you keep getting up at different times and going back to the buffet. I ate beets, which I don't think I've eaten since forever ago when I was a kid and would totally gag on them. I'm learning how to eat my vegetables! I also allowed myself to enjoy a bit of the German Chocolate cake - I let myself have cake on birthdays. So I had it today and will skip it on Tuesday.
Mel's not coming to Chuck a Rama for any dates with boys, but she didn't mind the buffet interruptions or eating too much in front of us. So that was a nice date. She's almost 17! Three more years and she'll be TWENTY!!! And we all know how fast 3 years go by, get ready Mel, the fast train of live is coming for you. You better start a blog or make sure you're keeping things written in your journal, or you're gonna wake up in 40 years and not know what happened to you!

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