Friday, December 8, 2017

Lily at the Wax Museum

Today was an important day for Lily - the 3rd grade "Wax Museum!" Last night I put Lily's hair in small tight sponge rollers to make it short, just like Amelia's. Abi and Sophi wanted curlers in their hair too, so that was fun playing salon with my girls. This morning I was excited to help Lily get up and ready for her big day. First thing - take out the curlers!
We were all laughing so hard. I remember putting these kind of curlers in my hair when I was a kid. And my hair would look just like Lily's. She was a really good sport about it. I used to be so embarrassed of what my friends would think, I probably would have cried if I looked like this - just so crazy different. Her hair felt like sheep wool! But little Lily has Joseph and Wesley's confidence and she jsut laughed with us.
After breakfast we put on Lily's cap, with some curl coming out from under her pilot cap to give it just the right touch.
I helped her know to stand with one knee bent so she wouldn't faint or anything - this is gonna test the endurance of this little 8 year old! We arrived at the school early and were ready to be some of the first people to see the "statues". Corey worked from home today and came with us, Corey's parents were there too
With 4 of us adults taking pictures, this important day in Lily's life is sure to be amply recorded for her posterity.
Hey, statue! No smiling!
She was a cute little Amelia. She borrowed the jacket and cap from one of the recess ladies, her teacher let her use the scarf, the goggles were from Corey's dad, the boots were recently given to us from a neighbor as hand me downs, and Abi and I found those pants at Kid to Kid and thought they looked perfect, and they did fit her perfectly! It all came together very nicely
Lily striking a pose again after a wiggle break.
Corey visited with his parents for a bit after we had finished going through the line, and I tried to keep these kiddo under control even though they were bouncing balls into the kitchen and bugging the cafeteria workers!
They are funny kids. Parent tip for control - you gotta keep moving, cause if you stop, they won't, and it might get crazy if you don't have them in a contained space.
Daniel rolled one fo his little balls under the fridge. I didn't get it out, and didn't see the cafeteria workers at that that time, so I just left it. Someone will find it eventually. So that was the big Wax Museum. Lily was excited and it was everything she had hoped. And now it's Friday and we survived another week of school, hooray, it's the weekend! We have a Christmas party at the church tonight, I'm sure I'll take some pictures there that I can share tomorrow. December is already wizzing by, it's gonna be Christmas before we know it.

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