Thursday, December 21, 2017


We are at Wolfcreek up in Eden Utah tonight. Knowing that this is Joseph's last winter with us (we've got so many "last"s coming!) Corey wanted to make sure we got in a family ski day, so he planned this trip out for us a few months ago. Bad news is: there is NO snow. On the drive up here, there was seriously nothing. It was dark, so I couldn't see up the mountains, but all along the road, my headlights didn't show anything but brush in front of us and on the shoulders of the road. I did not see a pile of snow anywhere. I hope our ski rentals don't go to waste and that this ski day tomorrow works out.

Let's see... we've got Vegan pizza on the menu, Corey got apple cider and egg nog and a chicken pot pie. I grabbed a treat of Marshmallow Cereal for breakfast tomorrow, which Hyrum was happy to see is not made with milk or eggs, so he's ready to chow down on that. I don't buy that junk anymore though! I know I've said it many times before, I really don't this time! Except for today. But still, good job me, go team. Still, I have been snacking on it tonight. And I had some egg nog. I can feel myself slipping into the festive food overload of the holidays, doh.

What else... Corey took the kids to the resort rec center, I stayed at the room with Daniel and made dinner. When they got back I got out a puzzle, which is one thing that's been on my list that I want to do with the kids that we never get to do.
Owen was so cute, he tried so hard. It's a puzzle pictures of a ton of bouncy balls. We didn't get very far on it. Lily did a good job. I didn't make much progress. Hard to do a puzzle with Owen and Daniel around. I really hope we don't lose any pieces to it! Seriously, every puzzle I get out, we always lose one piece in the process, so annoying. I brought two puzzles. The other puzzle was "accidentally" opened up in the car. Yeah, that one's just going in the trash now, cause I know we'll never find all the pieces to that one now.
We are going skiing tomorrow. Well, Corey and the kids are. I'll be chilling with Daniel for sure and some other kids. I am heading back home at 1:00 with Joseph and three other kids (I need a full car so that Corey doesn't have an over-full van when he heads back) so that Joseph can be in Orem at 3:30 for call time before a Crescent Band Performance at the Scera Theather. It's been a busy holiday and the break will still be a little busy, but it's nice to have some time together just us. 

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