Thursday, January 11, 2018

Learning to Write

On Monday night, at the counter after dinner, Owen took Lily's homework and started to scribble on it. 
He wouldn't let her take it, so Lily decided to just let him keep it and to join in the fun.
It's family art time!
We all ooh'd and aah'd and "oh cute!"-d at his little scribbles and at how he held his pencil.
He was pretty excited with himself when he actually did made a letter. The letter "O" is his favorite, and that is very appropriate.
His stuffed lion Louie at the counter with him, as well as his trusty blanket and binky.
At Daniel's 15 month appointment last week, the dr. asked if Daniel was still using a bottle. Yes, and unfortunately his older brother Owen has decided to take up the habit again too. "Yeah, we advise that you start to wean them from bottles and pacifiers this age." Ok, I predict we're gonna have some drama on our hand when we try to take those beloved binkies away from him. It's on my radar, Owen, you are warned.
It was cute to see them drawing together. Happy family moment, yay!

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