Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Parenting Strategies: Let's Make a Deal

So... 8 years ago, when our little Joseph was just a wee 10 year old, his father was thinking about his eldest son's future. And knowing that girls weren't a distraction now, but could become one later, his father made him a bet - a bet to help him stay focused on school and not get distracted by getting in a serious relationship too early. They made a deal that Joseph would not kiss any girls until he was 18, and if Joseph kept that part of the agreement, Corey would pay him $1000. Last night, it was time for Corey to pay up. Here was the moment, with a bit of Corey explaining once again the reason for the deal, surrounded by a bit a lot of the normal chaos that goes on whenever we're trying to have a serious discussion around here...

As Corey attempts to explain to the rest of the children "Why am I willing to make this deal?" "Cause you don't want us to be happy!" replies our funny Ethan (at 6:09). No, Ethan. This bet it not to make you miserable. This bet is to make sure that you're not just handing out kisses like they're nothing. If you're gonna kiss, make sure it's worth it! If the girl is worth it, go for it. But hopefully knowing you're passing up $1000 bucks will give you a moment of pause. Don't make your kisses cheap. We do think that this deal has helped Joseph stay focused and do well in school and on the ACT.
And Corey actually let the deal slide a bit - he said Joseph could pucker up as soon as his college applications were done, which was last month.
The slowly counting out (with $140 in ones) and handing over such a large amount of money had the desired incentivizing effect on the rest of the kids, as each proceeded to ask if they could make the deal with their Dad.
Lucky Mel, she's already almost there, just 11 more months to go. Corey has joked that he needs to switch it up for her and pay her to kiss, teasing that she's a little too timid and shy. Ethan didn't shake here, he made the deal years ago apparently. Hyrum, you in?
Wes? Yes, though he looks a bit nervous or something.
Each of the kids proceeded to shake hands with their father. Abi...
Sophi... Look at all this positive peer pressure in action!
I didn't get a photo of Natalie, did she shake? What is this? Even little Owen is in! Go O! This toddler is in it to win it! just 15+ years to go.
(You better start saving your quarters, sweetheart!)

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