Monday, January 8, 2018

Lost Pictures

Daniel woke up at 2 a.m. this morning crying. I tried to give him a bottle but he didn't want it and kept crying. I got him out, changed his diaper, and tried the bottle again, nope. He just kept crying and crying for no apparent reason. He would not calm down or be consoled. I didn't want him to wake up Owen so we went down stairs. I tried rocking him, walking him, giving him the bottle again, laying with him, bottle, food... nothing worked, he was just ticked. I wasn't feeling too frustrated, mostly I was like "Whatever dude, I don't know what's wrong, so sorry... " and just let him freak out. Nothing I could do but just keep trying. Around 2:30 I picked up a book on the floor and surprise surprise, he calmed down! He looked at the pictures and turned the pages, so we read Toy Story at 2:30 in the morning, and after half the book, he politely accepted his bottle. It was promising, and I thought this calm moment might be my chance, so I closed the book and took him upstairs where he sweetly and easily laid down went him to bed. I was scratching my head as to what that middle of the night fit was about.

Unfortunately for me, I was on alarm clock duty. I told Joseph I'd wake hi up at 3. I know I know, I said I was done with that kinda stuff, but oh well, what's a mother to do, just let the whole house fall apart? He asked for me to wake him up at 3 so he could finish homework, cause he's missed 3 days of school for the JEN tour in Dallas. He got back yesterday at 4, so I felt sorry for him. He originally planned to pull an all nighter - working on his Eagle Scout papers until midnight, then starting on his homework. He's trying to decide if it's worth it to get his Eagle, cause it might mean he doesn't get any sleep the next two days, and it's end of the term this week too! So after putting Daniel to bed, I rested but I wasn't able to fall back asleep before 3. Then I went and woke up J after his very loud alarm clock didn't work. He kept laying there, I blogged for a bit, woke him again at 3:30, repeat. He got finally got up at 4:45 but I've been awake since 2. I couldn't fall back asleep. But I've been getting lots of blogging done, catching up on December, so that's good.

Bad news though - I haven't finished blogged December yet, and now I've lost my chance for a few things because yesterday Lily reset Corey's phone AGAIN and he lost all his pictures and videos. He tried recovering them all morning but they're gone. He had some of the sweetest videos of the kids skiing at Wolfcreek on Decemer 21st (which I haven't blogged yet) but now his pictures and videos have gone the way of all the earth, goodbye! He also lost all the pics he took at Brigton this past Monday, I hadn't seen them yet, so I'm not sure what's gone, but I'm sure I'd be sad if I did know. I had one of the Wolfcreek videos of Owen on my phone, but since I got a new phone for Christmas, that is gone too, unless Hyrum, who got my old phone, didn't delete it (kinda doubt it.) I'll check when Hyrum gets home. That one that Corey shared with me via WhatsApp was a really cute video of Owen laughing as he skied with Corey. Corey skiing backwards, filming Owen in front of him laughing, wearing Corey's big gloves. Now all we have is the a photo of it - cause I didn't download it so I can't watch it or save it! I'm so sad.
Sure, we do still have the one of Owen screaming his head off as his afternoon of skiing started (end of this post) but that one wasn't as cute as the laughing with delight videos. Lesson learned. I shall now retrieve the photos off of Corey's phone every week so that we never have to endure a tragedy like this again.

I'll try to look on the bright side. I guess we do have other pictures and videos. As Jim Gaffigan says, we probably have more pictures of our kids than our parents ever looked at us! Ha. Ok, so, the memory will just have to be captured by in black and white text like back in the old days. So I'm putting the memory in words right here, so it's not a totally lost memory, but I it is kinda lost. Ya can't photo, instagram, and video record everything. Or if you do, get it online pronto! Good bye little video of Owen and the cute videos of Natalie and Sophi. I'm sure you will soon fade from my memory. Hopefully we've got enough other pictures and videos of you guys that we'll be able to figure it out close enough. Or maybe we'll just have to go skiing one more time to recreate the moments.

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