Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Joseph is an Adult!

Happy Birthday Joseph!! Wow! 18 years! Everybody come wish your big brother a happy birthday!
(Lily and Wes are being weird in all three pictures I took. But that's normal around here, so there ya go. Owen, you look so sweet!) So, yeah, Joseph is 18. That means I've officially been changing diapers for 18 years today! Not his, mind you, just all the little kids that have followed suit behind this leader of the pack. It's Joseph's "last" birthday with us! Everything's become a "last" now with the mission quickly approaching. Most of the gifts he got for Christmas and the ones today have been with the mission in mind - things he'll need and be able to use when he's a missionary. For his birthday, he went to school, came home and had cake and ice cream, then he had some activity at 7 and went to the temple after that. Busy day for this busy guy. He's ready to launch into life, thanks for sharing your "last" birthday with us!!! We miss you already.

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