Thursday, January 25, 2018


We recently introduced Owen and Daniel to the Toy Story movies. And they are pretty much hooked.  
Well, Owen is a bit more fixated than Daniel
Owen wants to watch "Woody Buzz" all the time. And he can put up such a stink when we say no, that I'm afraid to stay that he's been getting his way and having more than a toddlers' allowed hours of screen time. Here we are during our very reverent family scripture study last night - 
All the kids laying around on the floor while I read a few verses... Owen does relent and allow us to pause the Toy Story movie for 10 minutes of family spirituality (you can see Mr. Potato head on the screen). Toy Story movie - 4 times a day = 6+ hours vs. scripture reading - 10 min. (Good to see we're giving the Lord equal time?) So, after Natalie got a Jessie doll this week, Lily asked what happened to her doll (see picture 2) Lily, you broke off Jessie's head. I tried to fix it, but it didn't stick. With both hot glue and super glue, it kept falling off. So it was bye bye Jessie. We just got a few toy story toys at Kid to Kid - I looked and looked with Abi tried on pants, then she came back and saw a bag of toys that I had somehow missed, so we have a small Woody, Jessie, and Rex. No hats for them though... the all important hat is missing. I've been looking at ebay, cause Lily and Sophi both want their own Jessie Dolls. The kids asked me "What happened to our toy story toys?" Well, we all remember the first Toy Story toy - when Joseph got Woody and Buzz when he was 2 - 
Woody lasted through 8 kids, but then child #9, aka Natalie, did Woody in and he was beyond fixing, so... "Byyyye Wooooodyyyyy". We had a real Buzz Lightyear that I bought for Hyrum probably 7 years ago that was luckily still in working order, and it took less than 1 hour for Natalie to cut the wires to his wings, less than 2 days for them to break off his hand, and 2 weeks after that, we caught Owen banging the bottom half of Buzz on a chair. Yes, he's been Darth Maul-ed. I might try to fix him again, but Buzz might need to be for "display only" next time I fix him. So, we're counting down until next summer when Toy Story 4 comes out - I'll keep an eye on ebay for any good deals, but we're excited that we'll be able to buy Toy Story toys at the store again! Anyway, kinda fun to keep reliving the past. Joseph in 2002, now January 2018, this year is when the next Wride generation of Woody-Buzz began. 

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