Friday, February 16, 2018

It's the Weekend

Yay, it's Friday! We made it through another week. Here's a picture of Owen and Daniel watching PBS kids this afternoon. Daniel decided to get in a nap while they were there chillin in the chair. Owen with his arm affectionately around him. Such cute little guys.
Owen is a brave big brother, watching out for little D.
When the older kids got home, they decided to unwind too by watching a little tv. They joined the little boys. They're warming up for date night (movie night)
Owen, you look like you're nice and relaxed.
We've had a bit of a bug going around. Kids are taking turns staying home from school. Today is my parent's anniversary and they wanted to take all their kids out to eat to celebrate. Corey didn't make it though - he stayed home sick. I kinda felt bad leaving him with all the kids, but I guess I didn't feel bad enough to stay. I got to take the kid car, and that has a working stereo! I ran to Costco before dinner, so I was running late. I left the kids with the van to unload it. The van's radio and tape/cd player has been broken for several months. Annoying, but not Valley Forge. So I was happy to take the Fiesta and listen to some tunes. ...even though it took me forever to get my phone hooked up.  Once it was though, I was blasting The Greatest Showman. I picked up Neil at the Trax station on my way. I like my family.
We had a nice visit. My mom had painted a little wedding couple figure to look like them at their wedding - we teased my dad about his red suit. Something fun about Chuck a Rama this night - guess who was there! It's a piano guy!
I wasn't brave enough to ask Mr. Nelson for his picture, but my little brother, who had already broken the ice and gotten a picture, he went and asked him for me as they were on their way out. We love the piano guys. It was fun to be able to text my kids and show them!

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