Saturday, February 17, 2018

Minion Earrings

Today Mel spent the day being crafty. She made some Minion earrings at my sister Beka's suggestion, so Beka can try and sell them at her "Paint My Game" booth at SaltCON in a few weeks. Into the oven they go -
Cooling off in the glass baking dish.
And the finished product! (Well, after she put them in little plastic baggies.)
Very good job Melodie, you have a talent for making little things. I think Mel should make a little business someday called Mel's Miniatures. In junior high she won the Reflections contest for making a 3D sculpture out of sculpy clay of family figures placed on a small block of wood, the family was gardening. It has since been broken, I didn't blog it so I can't find the picture of it here, I'm pretty sure we took one though. I shall have to find it. Anyway, it's fun to see the kids get in the creativity zone. Also, today, I took a picture again of these two cute boys watching tv, with Daniel snoozing on his big brother again.
Cute boys.

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