Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Yearbook Ad

This morning, after taking kids to school in carpool, I looked around the van to and took note of the mess. It's a mess that I apologize about to my jr. high passengers each Wednesday morning. Among the trash in the car, I noticed a paper on the floor of the van. It was one I had seen before. It was a paper giving us information about a yearbook ad if we wanted to buy one for our high school senior. The other time I looked at this paper was in January, and the February due date seemed afar off. Thus I didn't put it on my list of tasks. And this time I looked at it... and the due date had passed - Feb 2nd. Doh! I got home and went straight to the computer, trying my luck and logging in to the Josten's website, making an account and clicking away hoping I hadn't missed the window of opportunity. Luckily nothing seemed to stop me from starting to make an ad. Ok, maybe we're not too late, phew! I spent most of the day looking through old pictures on the computer and scanning a few photos from the family scrapbooks. First - to decide between one photo for a 1/8 page ad for $40 or - 1/4 page for $75.
I do like having the option of more photos... I think we'll do the 1/4 page...
There were also options for half page or whole page ads, but we kept ours at the $75 option. I asked Corey his opinion. He said those 4 photos I chose were all basically the same. Yes, but they are different - he's 1 year old in the sax photo, 2 in the book photo, 3 in the blue tie, 4 years old in the orange shirt. But yeah, I get it, they're mostly head shots of young Joseph. Sorry, it's just the mother in me. Ok. So what do you want? He asked me to try and find a picture of Joseph playing in one of his Soundhouse Groups, like in the photos that Ray Smith takes at the Peaks Festivals each year. I spent a while looking through those and found one of Joseph.
So that made the final cut. I kept texting Corey photos and asking his opinion on things. He liked this Rio picture option, but we already had one of him older in the sax photo
so perhaps something younger? To show the progression?
So little 7 year old Joseph in Rio made the final cut. Here are some of the rejects - no room for family in the yearbook, even though being the leader of the Wride pack is one of the titles he's held the longest. This one is from Brazil before he went to Chile for 3 weeks
I thought having a screen shot from one of his videos would be appropriate. Two that didn't make the cut - a still from his Calculus video
This one below is from his La La Land SBO video - I'll repost this again in May when he graduates - an appropriately notalgic pic, no? Walking away from the camera, walking past the Skyline flags, moving on to the next part of his life, he will remember his alma mater.
And this one from that video made the cut - :)
So I thought I got a copy of the final ad, but can't find it, so I guess I didn't. So here's a bad paint version of it
Still, you get the idea - it's gonna be the little boy in a blue tie picture, then the little Rio, black shirt sax, and sliding down the rail at Skyline, ready to slide into the next adventures of his life! I'm glad I found that paper this morning and we were able to do it even though it was past the deadline. I'll be more on top of it next year with Mel. We're excited for Joseph, he's ready to launch into adulthood.

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