Thursday, March 8, 2018

At the Foot of Our Bed

This is where Owen sleeps. On the floor in our bedroom at the foot of our bed.
We have a toddler bed in our room for him, but he doesn't sleep there. Sometimes Natalie will come in during the night and take that spot. But Owen, he likes the shag carpet on the floor. Daniel is in a crib in our room right now.
Owen used to be in the crib and Daniel in a pack-n-play, but we made this arrangement a few months ago. I just read this post today when we were in Chile and Abi wanted to sleep in our room. I felt bad as I read it, I don't know why we didn't let her sleep on the bench... See, we're getting old and our will is being broken with each child. Now we're like "As long as you're quiet, that's fine." We used to always have a fan on Owen, but that broke a few months ago too. We brought in a heater, but it's not as loud as the fan, so I bought a white noise machine too.
I bought that little white white noise machine in January, I remember that the first time I tried it was up at Park City. I was worried it would be too quiet for Daniel and Owen up there and thus night time would be torture for me. Most of the white noise was very unpleasant to listen to, but the ocean is okay, so that is the setting we always put it on. Most of my kids don't like it, which is good cause it keeps them from sleeping in our room. Owen and Daniel know that it's night time when we do the routine - get a bottle, turn off the light, turn on the noise machine, and lay down for bed. So that is the night time routine for these toddlers.

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