Wednesday, March 7, 2018

New Trumpet

Wesley has been in need of a new trumpet for a while. His mouthpiece is stuck and won't come out, all the little parts that are supposed to move don't move, a few parts that are supposed to be welded together have come apart, etc. This trumpet has served him well as he started out, and now after 2+ years into it, it's time for an upgrade. Corey found a good deal on the classifieds for a silver trumpet and Wesley is pretty excited.
Corey told him that the silver trumpet does not belong to him, Wesley, but that Corey is the true and sole owner. But Wesley may earn the right to use it IF he shows he is worthy of it - by practicing. Everyday. Wesley has been slacking in the practicing department, but those days are over. He's promised he will practice everyday, and thus earn the right to play the silver trumpet at his band practices and performances. Today for fun he gave a go at blowing two trumpets at once.
He made a sound come from both, he's got good chops. Not me, I can barely make any sound. It's funny to hear Joseph try to play the trumpet. Wesley has decided to bequeath the old trumpet to Sophi and Lily - to whoever shows they are worthy of it through practice. Sophi's taking it pretty seriously, so maybe we'll have another trumpeter in the family. She's doing good so far - one day into it, but hey! Let's keep that excitement fresh, it's always fun to have a new horn to kick the practicing back in gear. (Kinda like me and buying books about cleaning/organization!)

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