Monday, March 26, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

After school today, the little kids went across the street for a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt. It snowed this morning, typical of Utah spring weather, so I wasn't sure if it was still on or not. Luckily for Abi it was. She had invited two friends to come. At 4:00 the "big kids" in the neighborhood went over to hide the eggs, then at 4:30 the hunt began. Abi took Daniel for a little bit. Lily, Sophi, and Natalie were on their own. They came home with their treats and at them up.
Most of the eggs had gotten wet in the snow covered lawn, thus the candy coated treats (like jelly beans, robin eggs, etc) made colored spots on the carpet where  Sophi and Natalie opened their eggs.
I saw the mess, promptly got out a sheet, and made them open the rest of their wet eggs on that. I'll clean up the mess later.

Another thing that happened today - now that Joseph has his mission call, he was on task starting to check off his new list of to-dos before his June departure. #1 - get a passport immediately. Yes sir! He went down to the county clerk office after school, sat in line for 45 min, applied for it and got it expedited, cause we need it asap so he can apply for his visa. Yay, we go through $100s like their $20s.
$210 gone. He's got all his immunizations except he needs a typoid shot. That is only available at the international travel clinic. We got a hold of them, the shot is $80, plus a required $60 fee for a 45 min consultation. Yay, nice. Good thing we saved money on the wisdom teeth, thank you JBR Research.

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