Sunday, March 25, 2018

Little Couple

There is a sweet little girl at church who is Daniel's age, and her parents are usually out in the hall with her when we are out there with Daniel. And they like to play together in the drunk tank. But today Riley had her mom and me both giggling with delight as she grabbed Daniel's hand and they took off walking down the hall together.
Hey, little one year olds?
Where do you two think you are going?
So cute, it was fun to watch them and see where they go and what they're thinking inside those little heads. Today was a good Sunday. I read and the kids played, I went downstairs with them after a while and I listened to conference talks as I cleaned up/sorted junk in the basement. It was a good day.


  1. These are perfect reference for an illustration I'm doing for The Friend Magazine. I needed pictures of young kids walking down the hallway at church and this came up in my google image search... And since we're not attending church in a building right now, I was wondering how I'd get the right shot of a church hallway. Thank you for sharing these! You never know the good you do, right? Onward & Upward! xo

    1. Great! Glad we could help! :) I'd love to see the illustration you made!
