Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Snapshots of Life

Here are a few snapshots of my life. I went to bed last night without putting dinner away, so the big pot of soup was on the stovetop still this morning. I left it out trusting the kids would come back asking for more food, and also hoping they would eat more of it and there wouldn't be quite so much to store. No luck. Looks like I'll be eating this for a while. So, this morning, after being greeted by a lovely clean sink and kitchen...
...I proceeded to put the soup away. And yes it had been sitting out all night. I don't think we'll die from that, but who knows. So as I attempted to put it in containers, the actual reality of trying to lift a heavy pot of soup by myself while also attempting to hold the container still so it doesn't slip away off the counter combined with the natural world of physics and this happened:
Isn't that lovely? It dripped and slopped it's way down the side of the cupboards and into the drawer and over the appliances and utensils in the drawers and made a big yucky sloppy mess for me to clean up. Yuck. A few more snapshots from this month that have not yet made the blog: on March 4th we totally got dumped on. It was a Sunday morning, kids were being kids and still in bed, I'm faster at this anyway, especially cause it was so deep, it would have taken them three hours to do it. But not Corey and me - we make a good team! 
He'd clear it off, I'd push the snow that spilled over back into his path. We rocked it. Whenever Corey and I are doing something together, it most likely means that the children are either 1 - sleeping...
... or 2: being little couch potatoes - Daniel's passive body cracked me up and made me feel bad at the same time - a sign that it's time to turn off the tv.
Here's a picture of what my Costco runs look like nowadays: healthy food galore.
...minus pkg of peanut MnMs on the cart, Abi is buying those with her own money. I'm still loving the purple carrot recipes and food boxes we get now and then. On the menu earlier last week: Ponzu Tofu. I threw mine on top of some pretty swiss chard - 
And this, my friends, is what is called "positioning" or "staging", cause if we zoom out to see the true reality of this kitchen, ...yeah.
And that's the reality here. Another yummy gbomb salad I made yesterday - bell pepper, onion, canelli beans, mushrooms, and guacamole.
Sometimes it feels so easy to make a yummy salad. But if I eat bread first, I'm just not hungry for it, so I have to have my salad first thing at dinner. So there's a few snapshots of life right now.

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