Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Daniel has been waking up during the night kind of regularly. He doesn't want a bottle, he wants me to hold him. So I've been bringing him in the bed. And I just love sleeping next to him, he's my little warm teddy bear. I am able to sneak away from him without a problem when I get up at 5:30 to wake up kids and go exercise. When I was done with the morning rush and carpool, he was still there in a deep sleep and I just watched him.
Corey goes to bed laying on a miracle ball sometimes, and that was Daniel's teddy bear, keeping his ear warm.
He is so sweet. I love him. I went to study group today, I haven't been for a while. Natalie was still asleep when I left so she stayed home with Corey. Daniel and Owen did pretty good. We had to leave early cause Owen was done. I forgot his blanket and he was in need of it. I think if I remember it next time we might make it the whole 2 hours. It was really nice to be there with my wonderful friends and sisters. When I came home, Owen and Daniel were primed and ready to go to bed. But they didn't want to go to bed. So I let them drink some ricemilk while they watched Zootopia for a few. I went and made Corey lunch, and when I came back, it was clear that naptime had begun. Owen looked as in heaven as I was when I was snuggling with Daniel early this morning.
So there's yet another picture of my little boys sleeping in the tv chair.
I put Daniel in the crib and let Owen sleep in the chair. Cute little guys. What else? Today was garbage day. Wes helped me rake up pine needles and load up the trash can last night - our yard is definitely in need of some spring cleaning. After the garbage truck came by today and they were emptied, I took the garbages into the back yard and loaded them half up again. (We have a lot of pine needles) Owen and Daniel have enjoyed being in the backyard, it's nice that it's getting warm and we're ready to see the outside world again! I also was happy to be outside cause I was watching the mailbox. I was watching to see what time he comes by, because we're hoping to see a white envelope in the mailbox tomorrow. So I thought I'd try and give myself a heads up as to when that should be delivered. Joseph sent us a text today to let us know that our bishop texted him and said that his mission application on the church system was changed from "ready to be assigned" to "assigned"! Eeek!!! So, from his research of other friends who have had their mission letter dated on a Tuesday, they receive it on the Thursday following. So, I've been watching the mail, and I was out there right when he came by. First the neighbor's mailbox at 3:46 -
(I was peeking between the gate in the backyard...)
And then our mailbox - time: 3:47! I think I'll set an alarm for 3:40 tomorrow! We're excited! :)

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