Monday, April 9, 2018

A Spring Day

We are excited for the spring weather that is here! Daniel is ready with his sunglasses -
Such a cute little guy. Warm weather means summer peaches are just around the corner. There is not much that happened today, just a regular school and life day, trying to work hard and reach my goals. Nicole and I made some goals over the weekend, we each made 5 things, each is worth a point. We're gonna keep track and see how we do. My 5 goals:
1) Prayer
2) Book of Mormon and General Conference
3) Eat Food combined Marilu way - this was my breakfast that I shared with her
4) Organize something in my home for 15 minutes
5) Exercise.

Nicole's 5 -
1) A Quiet Place for prayer, scriputres, Study
2) Exercise and stretch for 20 minutes
3) Nutrition - Food combining/Marilu
4) sleep 9:30 - 5:30 (that would be a good one for me to do too... someday)
5) Home school room clutter free.

It's important to Review and Reflect upon our goals. Holly says - "This is where you learn about YOU. Reflection is all about self awareness, and with awareness come CHOICE, and with CHOICE, you gain FREEDOM."

What else. Yesterday at church - Owen took a lot of pictures of his shoes with my phone.
I helped in the nursery. It's always fun to be in there with my little guys. Daniel and his girlfriend are cute. Heck, all toddlers are cute.
Owen is learning about the new prophet! Good job buddy.
This is their favorite song. They each hold the picture and they stand up and follow the leader around the room, and it ends over at the table where they get to have snacks. When Corey and I were in nursery we were not as organized as the current Nursery leaders are. Owen and Daniel love their leaders. One of them is a former basket ball player, hence very tall. Corey took a cute pictures of Owen recently where he was walking down the hall holding this tall elderly man's hand. After sacrament meeting as Corey took him to nursery, Owen saw Bro Eakins and ran right up to him, hardly looking back at Corey, which is pretty amazing with how attached Owen is to his father. I'll try to find where Corey has that picture. I need to get Corey and the kids to blog too, cause there is a lot more that goes on her besides what I catch with my eyes and phone. But something is better than nothing, so I'll keep blogging and will try to share their pictures and life stories when I can.

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