Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quiet Place

Last week, as I admired Nicole's planner and goals, I liked this quote she had written down in her planner given by President Nelson is most recent conference talk "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives" where he encouraged us to "Follow the example of the Prophet Joseph. Find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Humble yourself before God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers and for comfort." That quote was in Nicole's planner and inspired me - so I went in the backyard today and tried to make a possible place. I cleaned out the shed a bit and cleared up around the trees and stuff in between watching Daniel play and do his thing on the trampoline.
It's so fun to watch him. The little "run" toddlers do on the trampoline is so funny, I remember seeing and getting a kick out of Joseph running across a trampoline like that when he was little. So cute, I love how their upper body is still and their little legs just pump up and down and take all the movement from the flexible mat beneath their feet. So cute!

So in between watching him jump and pushing him on the swing, I cleared out dead branches from under the trees to create a little spot to sit
My thought was that maybe this could be a place for me to go sit and read, ponder, and pray. We'll see. I also cleaned out under the playset and put two more chairs under there, along with giving it some privacy with two boards that are leftovers from the skating rink supplies.
Daniel thought it made a good place for us to sit together and talk about things.
He's a cute little guy. As we're just over a week out from general conference, and I'm still running off the inspiration I got there, I made an effort to do some family history today - I tried to digitize some copies of pictures I have. These are from a book about my parent's wedding -
My Dad's parents - Grandma and Grandpa Hibbert - 
And my moms - Grandma and Grandpa Bahr
You know, I graduated with a degree in Family History from BYU. It's been 18 years, and so much in genealogy has changed since then, that whatever I used and learned then is probably worthless, but still, nice to know I was labeled as being skilled in a certain area, and I hope to some day be able to get back to doing more in that area, but as for now, it's motherhood and mornings and nights like this...

At 1:00 a.m. late last night/early this morning, I woke as I heard Corey bringing Sophi into our room. He was carrying her in his arms. There appeared to be a kid problem, but how was it that Corey woke up to hear it before I did? Plus I was asleep on the floor with Owen, how did the kid reach Corey in bed before disturbing me on the floor? I sat up to see what the commotion was about. Ah - Corey hadn't gone to bed yet. I soon discovered that that was fortunate, because he caught a sleepy Sophi as she woke up dazed and confused with a bad and runny #2 accident spilling out and over from herself. She was so embarrassed (we have a bug going around - Eth was up several times during the night Sunday night feeling sick with the same stuff) I stood up to help. "There's a trail of poop on the floor out there" he said as he helped her get in the tub. Oh yay, great. Melodie was still awake too and heard us. She came and asked what she could do to help. Unfortunately poop on carpet, much like throw up on carpet, is one mess that I prefer to handle myself, just in hopes of getting as much off and out of the carpet as possible. So I broke out the US Advantage, grabbed paper towels and lots of floor towels and was scrubbing away for a bit at 1 am. Yay! I love my job! So that was last night... just a night in the life of parents. We'll see if I ever get to using my quiet space to read or get to using my degree. For now, this is my life, and I love it, messy carpets and all.

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