Saturday, April 28, 2018

Happy Birthday and Senior Prom

Today is my happy birthday. I went to the Draper temple early this morning.
Heavenly Father gave me a beautiful almost full moon for my birthday! It was just setting in the west when I arrived at the temple, so pretty, thank you Heavenly Father!
This picture doesn't do it justice, but did help to preserve the memory/moment for me.

The one thing I wanted for my birthday was for ALL of us to go to the Jordan River Temple Open House together. Today was the last day of the open house, so I thought it would probably be busy, but I wanted to make it happen. I loved being in the temple with my kids earlier this month, they were especially sweet and reverent in the Celestial room. I wanted to go again and have Corey and all of them there. But it was a busy day - Joseph has senior prom today, so he was busy all morning with an activity. His window of availability to fulfill my birthday wish was 2-5. I was trying to make it work, but instead, for some weird reason this Saturday happened to be a productive one! Go figure, so we ended up cleaning out the garage instead and Corey was giving out lot of tasks, he told a few of the kids to get working on the garage. I knew it would be a big job. Corey admitted it was bigger than he anticipated when he assigned it. Joseph washed the Fiesta to have it ready for prom, then we decided to wash Corey's car too.
The kids got in a water fight as we washed the car. They were all wet.
We got out some b-day ice cream, but the dripping kids were not allowed inside the house. Owen kept guard for me.
My car was a mess from cleaning up stuff from the ice rink that didn't happen this past winter. When Joseph left at 3 to get my car washed at 3, which ended up being a nice present to me from his friend that works at the car wash, thanks Scotty! Not many of my kids' friends get me birthday presents. But, when Joseph left to do that at 3, that was when I had a feeling the family temple trip was probably not going to happen. Any other Saturday, I would have been thrilled with the family work time, but I was a little bummed today. Oh well.

So, Joseph's Senior Prom of his Senior year! I haven't blogged most of his dances - I usually don't have the pictures, but this year he shared the google drive link with me, yay!
This dance gets to be documented and remembered. His date was a lovely girl named Emma (Joseph and Emma, funny)
I don't know where they got these taken, but I think it looks lovely! 
There were more pictures than this, obviously, but I think these few make a good representation.
And the big group photo
One more of just the guys -
Joseph and Emma had a great time. The main thing I heard that was a big success was his last minute idea to take the van (cause it was clean) which allowed him to bring our small couch from the front room. I helped him put the love seat in it. After the dance, they went to watch a movie at a park. Everyone else brought bean bags or something, but the love seat couch was a great idea - they were warmer with the bonus that they had back and neck support! They spilled a little bit of Lucky Charms onto the cushion, but that's okay. The couches need a good cleaning anyway. I'm glad you had a good time Joseph. I'm grateful that he's had such a good group of friends during high school. They're almost done! Graduation is just a month away!

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