Friday, April 27, 2018

Messy, Sad, and Tired

A few pictures of morning time around here. This is messy - what Natalie looks like when she goes to bed with damp hair after an evening bath. These pics from a week ago on April 20th.
That is a major bed head that could rival Anna's on Frozen when she wakes up on coronation day.
Cute Natalie, I still love her curls (referring to the last 3 pics of that post, not the goofy kid in the first 4). Daniel this morning - he woke up in a sad bad mood. I tried to fix it with Nutella.
He tried to stop his tears, but that little lower lip can't hide that he's still feeling sad.
What's wrong, little guy? We know you're usually a happy kid. It's okay to wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes. Later this evening, Daniel and Owen watching Woody Buzz. Little boys with their stuffed animals.
Owen starting to doze off.  Tired little guy, but it's not time for bed yet, let's turn this off and get you two moving, dinner is ready now.
I know I take a lot of pictures of them in this chair. They probably watch too much Disney. 

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